Points at plan.tomtom.com

Before the NDS maps on the Tomtom GO application it was possible to add our personal polka dots.
Now with NDS maps it is no longer possible to do this.

On Bridge devices it seems to me that these are NDS maps? so why is Tomtom not able to do it on Tomtom GO?
There are Bridge devices with both 'Classic' and 'NDS' maps. Both allow for the use of custom POI icons.

It's not that TomTom can't do custom POI support for the GO application, it's that they aren't interested in doing so for whatever reason.

As I say, during the early beta of the GO application, it was supported in almost exactly the same manner as it is on the Bridge devices. There's a folder on the Bridge device into which you copy your *.ov2 files, and if you like, a folder for the associated *.bmp icons, and away you go.
The TomTom navigator is the best when it works. This is why they keep their customers. I have tried others (Google maps, Waze, etc) and they are not as good. I have had a few experiences with TomTom technical help over the years and it's quite clear that they don't care about their customers as long as they are making money.
I hope the day comes soon when other apps are as good and everyone abandons TomTom. The only thing that will make them listen to their customers is when they lose them in big numbers.

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