POIEdit & Google Map API

Nope. That one will be on Google, I'm afraid.
Couldn't manage to edit it with Notepad + +, but your dll worked a treat!

Thanks, Canderson,

Thanks from me too! That worked great. I was getting ready to download Notepad++ then saw that canderson attached the file.
Doesn't work

Hi Canderson,

I have tryed your "trick" but doesn't work. it is changed something? I have tryed to modify the .dll file by Notepad++ or change the dll with your posted here.

Thank you for your response
All I can say is the "trick" DOES still work on my PC, so I think there must be something you've missed or got wrong somehow.

If you downloaded the .dll form post #16 did you rename it before adding it to the folder specified as per post #17?
Sure, I have downloaded the .dll posted on #16 and renamed in GoogleMaps.dll

It seems easy, I simply must change this:


with this:

"http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=3& + 11 spaces"

But it is not working :( I receive the same error..
Ok, now is working!! The problem was that you need to change the tab "Google Maps" (see the picture attached).

Thank you for your help and fast reply :)


  • Image.jpg
    28.4 KB · Views: 598
OK, maybe a few more details will help someone to spot the problem....

1. What version of POI Edit are you trying to use?
Go to "Help" / "About" and the version number is in tiny white writing against the black title bar.
Mine is v5.2.0. build 212

2. Is POI Edit working in ever other way?

3. What is the error or error message you are seeing?

EDIT:Ah good, you've spotted where SOMETHING was going wrong.:)
Seems odd to now have TWO Google maps tabs now (I don't) but at least it's working OK.
New Error

This fix has worked for a long time. It was even working yesterday morning but now I am getting a new error that started today. Please see attached.


  • Error.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 511
Rats! Same here. :sad:

I guess Google found a way to stop the "cheat" we were using.

I reckon that's the end for POI Edit, the author seems uninterested in updating it at all.
Thanks Ken. At first glance it looks good.

One of the things I use POIEdit for a lot is merging several POI files together (using the File Menu / Append command)

I've found that "Import" seems to do just the same thing in this prog. :)

One tiny little niggle... in POI Edit, I used to be able to click and drag to select several POIs at once and they would all display on the Google map. With this prog I seem to have to click on each one individually, (although they still do all end up showing on the map OK). Am I missing anything obvious?
Hi Andy,
Sorry I only found this the other day and have not had much time to have a play with it. I was just looking for something to display Google Maps again.

It's no big deal really.
In fact, in POIEdit, if I clicked and dragged to select LOADS of POIs all at once it took ages to show them on the Google map (and often it would freeze or crash).

So having to click on each one individually is probably good to stop me trying to do that!
GoogleMaps.dll Now fully functional...


The code javascript has been rewrite for compatibility with new API V3 of Google Map.
it works very well

You can find the new GoogleMaps.dll (V6.5) for PoiEdit in the thread named:
"PoiEdit: GoogleMaps.dll Now Work with APi V3"

Simply replace your GoogleMaps.dll in PoiEdit2007\plugins\htmlembed folder

be careful ! DELETE your old GoogleMaps.dll, don't rename it ...

Regards. :blabla:
I managed to contact the author of POIEdit a few months ago using the email contact.
I wanted to mention that I recommended his program to a lot of people on various Sat-Nav forums, but that it was now quite confusing because his home page for the program had such a large and prominent advert for a totally different (paid-for) program, and that some people were downloading the wrong thing.

He was totally uninterested, basically said it was deliberate. ;-(

I do not see anything wrong with what he does.
I costs money for the server space and if not enough donations are received he must either sell something (advertising ?) or close down.

That said, he may count on people willy-nilly clicking on downloads recommended by a trusted person (you) instead of looking at what it says on the page.
Anyone who's been around the Internet for even a short while will see red flags go up when there is some 'small print' very near to a Download button and start looking around the page before clicking anything.

To my mind, even though small print is right above the large advert it very clearly says that's what it is and a glance at the rest of the uncluttered page clearly shows the free downloads.
In fact, in POIEdit, if I clicked and dragged to select LOADS of POIs all at once it took ages to show them on the Google map (and often it would freeze or crash).
If you still would like that, why not ask softop directly for it.
Remember how fast the change was made for your request to resize.

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