Planning tours - help please !

Have a TTXL. I am able to get into import my revised google map into tyre. Can't import this revised route from tyre into my TT. It imports the original unrevised google map into my TT !!!. I can't see the RED button in TYRE

Don't forget, you have to SELECT the new file in the "Options/Load itinerary""load" menu in the itinerary screens, otherwise it will just carry on using the old/existing waypoints.

I'm not sure what you have and haven't done so far....
But rather then trying to do it all at once, I would try just saving the file from Tyre onto your PC (maybe to the desktop?)
THEN upload it onto the TomTom by normal copy/paste. The file goes into the "itn" folder.
little lost still

Thanks for the reply andy..Here's what I've done so for...Got the revised route from Google. Pasted the 'paste link in e-mail or IM" into TYRE, via the' Import from Website' and there it is in Tyre.
What next, please
OK, I'll try to describle all the steps...

So you can see the route in Tyre, and you're happy with it?

You COULD probably export it straight onto the TomTom, but as I said above: for my small brain, it seems easier to save it to the PC desktop first.

1. So, in Tyre, select "Save as...." from the File menu.

2. Check that the "Save as type..." is set to "TomTom Itinerary Files" at the bottom of the Window that opens.

3. Check that "Save in..." at the top is pointing to the Desktop.

4. Give it a name you like in the "File Name" box and click on the "Save" button.

5. Your new file called "whateveryoucalledit.itn" should now appear on the PC Desktop.

6. Connect the TomTom to the PC and it should appear as a new disk drive to Windows Explorer (a.k.a. "My Computer")

7. Right click on the new file on the desktop and select "Copy" from the little pop-up menu.

8. Then in Windows Explorer, browse to the TomTom drive, find the "itn" folder, and open it (by double clicking on it).

9.Right click inside the open window for it and select "Paste".
You should now have the whateveryoucalledit.itn file on the TomTom.

10. Use the "Safely Remove Hardware" button on the PC (in the section next to the clock) to eject the TomTom before you physically unplug it, then do so when it reports it's safe.

11. Now, once the TomTom has re-started, go to the Itinerary Planning item in the main menu,

12. Select "Options", select "Load Itinerary" and say "Yes" when it asks you if you want to delete all the locations from the current itinerary (sounds scary, but all it really means is "Do you want to start with a fresh itinerary?"

13. Select the whateveryoucalledit file from the list in the next screen, and it should then load all the waypoints of your new route.

That's a lot harder to describe than to actually do! :)

Obviously once you're more confident, you could connect the TomTom to the PC first, and then select the "itn" folder on the TomTom drive straight away in step 3.
That would mean Tyre saves it into the right place without all the extra copying and pasting.
thanks !!!

Perfect explaination. Plan on going to Delta, Co from Az; then on to Moab, Utah leaving on this Monday. Will definately try my TT. Thanks again for the help.:):):):)
Hi from italy. Excuse for my english.:mad::mad:
i've just bought a used (like-new) Rider2, but i find quite impossible to create my itineraries from inside the Tom Tom. I usualy use Google Maps, so i was looking for some trick&tip to create an itinery from inside google maps and than to transfer it onto the tom tom.
So, i found very very useful all your post in this thread. But i have another problem: i use mac, and Tyre does non exist for mac....
But, after a lot of efforts, i foud the final solution.
I would like to post it in this thread for you, as a sort of thanking for your ideas you gave to me,
Only i have to write in italian. If you want and ask to me, i'll try to translate in english. :D:D
Ciao. Francesco.

1. apri safari
2. apri google
3. entri in google maps
4. crei il tuo itineario
5. quando sei sicuro che ? tutto a posto, clicchi sul bottone LINK in alto a destra
6. si apre una finestra con, in alto, un link gi? "selezionato" ( inizia ovviamente con "". Nota che il link pu? essere MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLTO lungo ........... Il link corrisponde al percorso che hai appena finito di creare.
7. Ne fai un bel "copia" ( e,per comodit? e tranquillit?, puoi "parcheggiarlo" in TextEdit o in qualsiasi altro programmino a tua scelta. Sarebbe simpatico farne un database ......
8. Puoi chiudere google e safari.
9. Apri in successione Parallels Desktop, Windows, Tyre
10. Nella finestra principale di Tyre vai sulla prima colonna, "File", e scendi fino a "Importa da web" e ci clicchi su
11. Si apre una finestra secondaria, dove in alto c'? gi? scritto e selezionato un bell' " http://" che attende di essere completato
12. Ci incolli su il link di Google maps che avevi in precedenza salvato
13 clicchi sul bottone in basso a destra "importa"
14 dai tempo di caricarlo ed elaborarlo ( se il percorso ? lungo ci possono volere parecchi secondi)
15. alla fine nella finestra di tyre c'? la sequenza di tutti i punti di passaggio del percorso.
16. fai un bel salva con nome, e nelle due finestre in basso scrivi sulla superiore il nome che vuoi dargli, nell'inferiore scegli la modalit? "Tom Tom Route File"
17. Clic su "salva"
18. Puoi chiudere Tyre
19. Ricerchi il tuo file appena creato nella scrivania di windows ( sulla mia c'? una cartella che si chiama "Parallels Shared Folders", la apri, e nella finestra che si apre vai sulla colonna a sinistra, in basso trovi la cartella "documenti condivisi"; ci clicchi su, e a destra compaiono delle cartelle, tra cui dovresti trovare "Percorsi Tyre". La apri e trovi tutti i percorsi Tyre che hai creato.
20. Una volta individuato, semplicemente lo trascini nella scrivania Mac. Ora nella scrivania Mac dovresti avere il tuo file con estensione ".itn"
21. Puoi chiudere Windows e Parallels Desktop
22. Attacchi il Tom Tom al mac
23. Se (come accade a me) automaticamente ti si apre Tom Tom Home, lo chiudi
24. Doppio click sull'icona del Tom Tom nella scrivania del mac ( ? l'icona di un qualsiasi hd esterno)
25. trascini l'icona del file .itn nella cartella .itn del tom tom
26. a copia ultimata trascini l'icona del tom tom nel cestino e stacchi il cavo usb
27. Fine (puoi chiudere il mac)
28. gestisci il tuo file itn dall'interno del Tom Tom come usuale (puoi cambiargli nome, modificarlo etc)
Welcome to TTF.

Below is a on-line translators effort but non-Italians will be able to figure it out.

1. you open safari
2. you open google
3. it enters in google maps
4. it creates your itineario
5. when you are sure that it is all to place, clicchi on right button LINK up
6. a window is opened with, up, a link already " selezionato" (it begins obviously with "". Famous that the link can be long MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLTO ........... the link corresponds to the distance that you have as soon as ended to create.
7. Of it you make a beautiful one " copia" (and, for comfort and tranquillity, you can " parcheggiarlo" in TextEdit or any other programs to your choice. It would be likeable to make of a database ......
8. You can close google and safari.
9. You open in succession Parallels Desktop, Windows, Tyre 10. In the main window of Tyre you go on the first column, " File" , and you come down till " It imports from web" and us clicchi on
11. A secondary window is opened, where up c' already it is written and selected a bell' " http://" that it attends of being completed
12. It glue to us on the link of Google maps that you had previously saved
13 clicchi on the right button low " importa"
14 from the time to load it and to elaborate it (if the distance is along can want several second ones to us)
15. at the end in the window of tyre c' it is the sequence of all the points of passage of the distance.
16. you make a beautiful one saves with name, and in the two windows low you write on advanced the name that you want dargli, nell' inferior you choose the modality " Tom Tom Route File"
17. Clic on " salva"
18. You can close Tyre
19. It searches your rows as soon as created in the writing desk of windows (on mine c' it is a folder that is called " Parallels Shared Folders" you open, it, and in the window that is opened goes on the column on the left, low it finds the folder " documents condivisi" ; us clicchi on, and to right they appear of the cartelle, between which you would have to find " Tyre" distances;. You open and you find all the Tyre distances that you have created.
20. Once characterized, it drags simply it in the Mac writing desk. Now in the Mac writing desk you must have your rows with extension " .itn"
21. You can close Windows and Parallels Desktop
22. Attacks the Tom Tom to the mac
23. If (as happens to me) automatically opens you Tom Tom Home closes, it
24. Double click sull' icona of the Tom Tom in the writing desk of the mac (it is l' icona of any hd external)
25. it drags l' icona of the rows .itn in the folder .itn of the tom tom
26. to completed copy it drags l' icona of the tom tom in the basket and it detaches the cable usb
27. End (you can close the mac)
28. you manage your rows itn dall' inside of the Tom Tom as usual (you can cambiargli name, to modify it etc)
This is Google's version of the translation:
1. Open Safari
2. Open Google
3. enter into google maps
4. create your Itinerario
5. when you are sure that everything is in place, click on the button at the top right LINKS
6. opens a window at the top, a link already "selected" (of course begins with " ........". Note that the link can be MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLTO long. .......... The link is the path you have just finished creating.
7. I take a deep "copy" (and, for convenience and peace of mind, you can "park" in TextEdit or any other small program of your choice. It would be nice to make it a database ......
8. You can close Safari and Google.
9. Open in succession Parallels Desktop, Windows, Tyre
10. In the main window of Tyre Vai on the first column, the "File" and scroll down to "Import from Web" and there click on
11. This opens a secondary window where the top is already written and selected a nice, '"http://" waiting to be completed
12. We paste the link to Google maps that you had previously saved
13 click on the button at the bottom right "matter"
14 from time to load and process (if the path is long it may take several seconds)
15. in the window at the end of tire is the sequence of all crossing points of the route.
16. make a good save as, and in the two bottom windows on the top write the name that you give him, in the inferior choose the mode "Tom Tom Route File"
17. Click on "save"
18. You can close Tyre
19. Choose your newly created file in the Windows desktop (on my there is a folder called "Parallels Shared Folders", you open it, and in the window that opens go to the left column, below are the folder "Shared Documents "There you click on, and right of the folders appear, you should find including" Paths Tyre. "The open and you find all the paths you have created Tyre.
20. Once found, simply drag it into the Mac desktop in the desktop Mac you should now have your file. "ITN"
21. You can shut down Windows and Parallels Desktop
22. Attacks on Tom Tom to the Mac
23. If (as me) will automatically open TomTom Home, the close
24. Double click on the icon of the Tom Tom in the Mac desktop (it is the icon of any external hd)
25. drag the file icon. itn folder. itn tom tom
26. a copy of the completed drag the icon to the trash and tom unplug the USB cable
27. End (you can close the mac)
28. manage your itn files from Tom Tom as usual (you can rename it, modify it etc.)
ok boys
Thanks for your wellcome :):):)
Probabiliy this is a good english version:
Now for me is time to sleep, here is 2:00 am ...:yawn::yawn:

1. Open Safari
2. Open Google
3. Enter into Google maps
4. Create your route
5. When you are sure that everything is ok, click on the "LINK" button at the top right
6. A little window will be opened; in the section at the top, you will find a link already "selected" (of course it begins with " ........". Note that the link can be very very long. .......... The link is the path you have just finished creating.
7. Make a "copy" of the link (and, for convenience and peace of mind, you can "park" in TextEdit or any other small program of your choice. It would be nice to transfer it on a simple ad hoc database ......
8. You can now close Safari and Google.
9. Open in succession Parallels Desktop, Windows, Tyre
10. In the main window of Tyre, go on the "File" column , scroll down to "Import from Web" row and click on it
11. This will open a secondary window, where at the top is already written and selected '"http://" waiting to be completed
12. Now paste the link copied from Google maps( that you had previously saved)
13 Click on the button "import" at the bottom right
14 Allow time to load and process (if the path is long it may take several seconds)
15. In the main window, when import and process will be finished, will appear the sequence of all crossing points of the route.
16. Click on "save" button . Write the preferred name for your file and than choose the mode "Tom Tom Route File"
17. Click on "save"
18. You can now close Tyre
19. Look for your newly created file in the Windows desktop (on mine there is a folder called "Parallels Shared Folders")
20. Once found, simply drag it into the Mac desktop. You will obtain a file with a " .itn" suffix
21. You can now shut down Windows and Parallels Desktop
22. Connect your Tom Tom to the Mac
23. If (as me) it will automatically open TomTom Home, close it: we don't need it.
24. Double click on the Tom Tom unit icon in the Mac desktop (it is like the icon of any external hd)
25. Simply drag the .itn file icon from the desktop into the tomtom's .itn folder
26. drag the tom tom unit icon onto the trash and disconnect the unit ( unplug the USB cable)
27. End (you can close the mac)
28. manage your newly created itn file from inside Tom Tom as usual (you can rename it, modify it etc.)
Use ITN converter. Free to download to your PC. Once downloaded open the programme and click on Editor. this opens up google maps. Left click on any road you like the look of, and then add it to Itinerary. Once you have finished dropping in your waypoints, click on directions. this will calulate the route. Once you're happy with the route and the order of the waypoints, close the map. Then export it to a folder of your choice in your PC or connect your Rider to the PC and then drop the route into the itinerary folder within the rider software. Save the file as an itn/ov2 file. simple. Any problems give me a call.
One last point. Forget using the Tomtom route planner, TYRE. Far too complicated, but maybe that's just me.

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