PIn-out for power cable

Excellent news. I thought that the sense wires were dropped for this newer one piece/one connection style RDS cable, but as I say, I haven't had a bad one in hand to open up, and didn't want to open my only good one!
canderson, you will likely find this video MOST informative...nearly every question we've had above is answered, although he made the video with different objectives in mind than here.

Sadly, the link causes an "Embedding disabled by request. Watch on YouTube".
Here's a direct link:

Good catch. May help others.
That's interesting because all I did was paste in the full url link to it, and the frame-picture appeared. Oh, well; thanks for inserting it in a usable way.

You have to copy that link and paste it into your browser address bar; it is not directly clickable.
Major update on my issue....

I took the TT cable and the new one to an "old time" electronics store in my town, one run by a couple of long time ham radio guys. It is a one-of-a-kind business for sure...everything electronic, and I don't mean the electronics department of a big box store.

Anyway, I asked them to take the plug off the new one and put it on the TT cable, and showed them the video from above. He looked at the cables awhile then started into it, cutting, dismantling, de-soldering...

then picked up the plugs, some pliers, unscrewed the tip end off the new cable plug and screwed it onto the old one. That was all that was needed. The cutting and dismantling was unnecessary, but had been started. So he re-soldered the wires back onto the circuit board in the original plug and reassembled the plug. About an hour of bench work for what could have been a 30 second, no-cut fix. But since he didn't discover it, he only charged $10 total.
Ah - I believe Arno suggested trying this a few posts back, just in case it turned out that the new one would fit?

Well, glad it's sorted anyway, and that you've got your traffic cable working again.
I had tried to unscrew the new one some days ago, but a chrome colored band just spun. He grabbed some part on it with pliers and that was the key to being able to unscrew it.

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