Permanently avoid a highway

Jan 13, 2008
Is there anyway to permanently avoid a stretch of highway when route planning? We've got about five miles of a major highway that will be shut down for reconstruction for more then a year. I'd like to add it to a "blacklist" of sorts if that's possible?

This would be on a TomTom Eclipse (DUO? AVN2210p?) with the 6.553 software.

Sure, use the map edit section, and block the highway... just remember not to share it with other users!
must be talking about I-64, traffic not as bad as they said, you have to block it each time you plan a trip

it's a hassle, but plan your trip and then choose avoid portion of route, view it and choose I-64 I-40, to avoid, should reroute you, sucks for the gps, I also read where Tripquest and other Map aren't avoiding it on there sites, feel sorry for travelors using I-64 in St Louis for next two years.
it's a hassle, but plan your trip and then choose avoid portion of route, view it and choose I-64 I-40, to avoid, should reroute you, sucks for the gps, I also read where Tripquest and other Map aren't avoiding it on there sites, feel sorry for travelors using I-64 in St Louis for next two years.

You know, you could also report this to TeleAtlas at
That's the company that provides maps to TomTom

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