ONe XL and SD card

The red X signifies the unit does NOT detect the firmware. My gut feeling is that some files were not copied properly to the card.

Try booting to internal without the card in. Does it work? If so, try copying EVERYTHING again.

A pin reset may help.
The red X signifies the unit does NOT detect the firmware. My gut feeling is that some files were not copied properly to the card.

Try booting to internal without the card in. Does it work? If so, try copying EVERYTHING again.

A pin reset may help.

First off, thanks for the quick reply.
If "booting to internal" without the card, means, Turn on the TT without the card inserted, and does it work? The answer is YES, but it did take a pin re-set.
Here is where I stand now.
My computer has XP
TT XLS, new map installed version v815.2043
Original tt contents backed up using tt home, explorer, AND thru my computer
PNY optima Sd card 2 gb 60x
Hooked up TT thru usb port, went in to My Computer, recognized TT as drive "K" with the red clapping hands, fat 32, 978.1 MB
Installed sd card that I used for transfer, before transfer, I formatted to fat32, card is recognized in My Computer as drive "J" and title is TomTom, but only has a content of 964 MB. So obviously something didn`t transfer.
Now my question is, should I use a new card, delete this card, or do a new transfer and copy over this card without deleting it`s content.

I hope I gave you enough info to figure out where I am in this process
Before buying a new sd card, I'd try using Explorer to (again) copy everything from internal to the sd card but ensure hidden files/folders are showing prior to the copying routine.

Once everything is copied, try a pin reset with the sd card in and another pin reset with the sd card removed and see if that resolves any issues.

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