One 140 won't restart after Application update

You mean, copy the 9.541 app from Home, and reinstall it manually instead of using Home? I hadn't thought of that.
I mean from your computer you have an old backup when everything is fine it is this file that you must copy to your GPS.

If Tomtom Home opens, close it.
On the TT device a bootloader version 5.5136 is showing and a ttsystem file, but I can't open it with out some program that's not on my computer. I don't know what to download, to read this file. But I think you're on to something. When I open the Program folder, I get "Application.tlv" but again, I can't open it.
On the TT device a bootloader version 5.5136 is showing and a ttsystem file, but I can't open it with out some program that's not on my computer. I don't know what to download, to read this file. But I think you're on to something. When I open the Program folder, I get "Application.tlv" but again, I can't open it.
You can't see the bootloader on your device, just its version.
What I was interested in was whether the downloaded file for the 9.541 firmware included a "system" file as well as the 9.541 "ttsystem" file. The "system" file, if present and installed, could easily prevent the previous firmware from running properly, and you can't uninstall and replace the newer bootloader with the old one.

Off the top of my head, I don't know if 5.5136 came with 9.541 for one of these ONE units or not.
The bootloader and ttsystem files were in a separate folder from the "program " folder. Does that seem right? Should I try deleting them? The 9.541 application should be in the Program folder, I thought. I feel, if I can just get past the startup image, I'll be ok. Again, it was working fine until I uninstalled the 9.541 app, did an update on Home, was offered 8.415, installed it, got No map found, uninstalled it, reinstalled my copy of 9.541, and that's where I am now, stuck on startup image. The reason I did it in the first place, was because I didn't like the 3 panel status bar instead of the old 2 panel. I didn't know it would cause so much trouble.
I guess I don't understand what you're calling the "program" folder.

TomTom provides a *.cab file that it downloaded to your PC during a firmware update that contains the entire package. If you open that *.cab file as though it were a *.zip file, in the root of the zip you'll find the "ttsystem" file. That is the firmware that provides the UI you see and interact with, and that provides navigation.

You may also find a file called "system", which would be a new bootloader. There was also sometimes an associated file called "bootloaderversion.txt" which provided the actual version number and target systems for that build.

What I've been asking is whether the *.cab file you receivced for 9.541 included the "system" file that would have overwritten your older bootloader when the 9.541 package was installed on your 140. If so, there's a good chance that the older code is not going to play well.

If you're not sure where the *.cab file lands on your PC when you do an update, fire up Home, select "Tools" and "Home Preferences" and then the "Folders" tab and 'Browse' the 'Downloads' folder. There you will see folders for each type of update you've done.
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I'll try to check that again when I get back. It makes sense, except that, since 9.541 is back on the device, and the bootloader updated when 9.541 first loaded, it should work now. I'm baffled, but when we figure this out, it's probably going to be something simple.
@Big Lenny

Your map version 860 which is 14 years old, many new roads were created in 14 years.

you have never thought of buying a new GPS especially since now the new GPS have free maps for the life of the device.
Can I just remove the current Bootloader, then ask for an update, and see if Home will offer a new Bootloader that is compatible with the App 9.541 that's on it now?
It is absolutely necessary to delete the application on the GPS is on the computer.

Connects the device to the computer...
Turn on the navigation device and if prompted to connect it to the computer click YES.
Start Tomtom HOME then click on Manage my device.
Select the Items on Device tab.
Click on the plus sign to access the applications, check the Tomtom Application box, click on Remove items from device and click on OK to confirm.
Click on Done.
Click on Manage my GPS.
Select the Remove Items from Computer tab.
Click on the plus sign to access the applications, select the Tomtom Application box, click on Delete items from the computer and click on OK to confirm.
Click on Done.
Click on Update my device.
Click on Update and installed then at the end of updating the application, click on Done.
Can I just remove the current Bootloader, then ask for an update, and see if Home will offer a new Bootloader that is compatible with the App 9.541 that's on it now?
NO. If you could "remove" the bootloader, the device would be a brick!

The bootloader is in an area of NVRAM that doesn't show up in the normal directory structure. If new firmware is installed that includes a new bootloader, that new bootloader is installed first, and there is NO going back.

If 9.541 needed a new bootloader, it came with one. If true, that could make running older code impossible because there is never any assurance of reverse compatibility. New firmware that comes with a new bootloader are always installed by the device as a set.
Update. I found a file in the directory called "bootloader version" that I didn't remember being there, so I removed it. I think it might have been left over from when I installed the 8.415 app. Then I removed the 9.541 app again. Then reinstalled my copy of 9.541 and SHAZAM! It restarted correctly after the reboot. I've used it for a couple of days with no problems. So, this time I did a complete backup, both using windows and TT Home. So that leaves me with my original issue. I don't like the 3 panel status bar without the signal bars, and tiny numbers. I want the 2 panel. Is this a funcion of the App, or something else? Anyway, I'll start a new thread on that subject. Thanks everybody.

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