Offered two different types of maps (not zones)


Aug 20, 2009
I just plugged my Go630 into my computer for the first time in a long while.

Among the updates Home offered were a North America map (version 880.3810) and USA&Canada map (version 940.5963).
I've never been offered two different map types before. If I recall correctly, the NA maps where what I got for the first few years I had my device, and the USA & Canada map was what I started getting when the 630 got that surprise app update a while back.

I'm not even sure what the difference is? Should they both work? Should I delete one?

Also, if I'm not mistaken, 940 is the latest map, yes? I'm not sure why I was offered it at all. I am not under a map plan as far as I know. Not that I'm complaining.

Home has a bug (never fixed) that continually offers the map that was available for a latest map guarantee, regardless of how old the bloody map is!!

The one you want is 940; ignore the other one.
Ah! I'd seen references to the older map problem, but I didn't realize it was the LMG version, so I wasn't expecting to see a different map type. That explains it.
Still not sure why I was given 940, but I'll take it.
USA&Canada, and North America are the same maps.

They did a renaming process a year or two ago. It used to be that GO devices said "North America" and XL devices said "USA&Canada" for the same region, Tomtom simplified it so all devices say USA&Canada now.

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