No SD card included????

No SD Card

I only purchased my TT one v4 (no sd card) and just purchased the maps for GB and N Ireland.

You will need to purchase a new Sd card (required size can be verified from recomend 1 believe 2 gb card is required.

To purchase the maps I called Support and they walked me through the whole process, except for turning off my Antivirus (so I hope I have no problems) as I remembered just after it had started to download.

Install the blank SD card in your tomtom. Connect to tomtom home as usual, disconnect your antivirus and purchase your map through Home. After purchase turn on your tomtom with the blank SD card. Please note that even with High Speed DSl it can take up to 1 hour to download and install Gb maps ( which are one quarter of the size of West Europe).

Home will download and install the operating system and the maps for you. Just make sure you are using a fully charged Tomtom or have it plugged into a charger.

The SD card then takes over from the unit's internal memory.

Always turn off your tt before inserting or removing your SD card.

If in doubt call support I have found them great (at least in the US/Canada)

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