No longer able to talk to GO 730 :(

Don't want to be rude duckster, but I think you'll get a far better "talk through" of reinstalling the software etc. if you stick with us, rather then using TT customer service.

A couple of things that might help:
1. So long as you've made that all-important backup, there's no likelihood of bricking your unit, because you can always put things back as they were with a simple "copy and paste" operation, like you've just done, but in reverse.

2. The problem with the software file that dhn wants you to download is that TomTom decided to wrap it up as a "cab" archive. This is similar to the "zip archives you may have heard about and is just a neater way to send a load of files in one package, but it needs a different bit of software to unwrap it and get the individual files back.

For "cab" archives, one of the simplest is called WinRar.
You can Google "WinRar" to find a download of it. It's Shareware, but you can try it for free until you decide if you want to pay for it and carry on using it.

With WinRar installed, you just need to download the file dhn mentioned and then right-click on it. You should see a menu item saying "Extract here". Click on that and it will create a folder with all the individual folders and files you need.
Now go ahead and delete all the "loose" files on the TomTom, and copy and paste all the new individual folders and files from inside the folder that WinRar created onto the TomTom.
Agree to anything it asks about replacing files.

And that should be it.
Thanks Andy.

I have managed to extract the files to a newly created directory to be copied into my 720 later.

What do you mean by "loose" files.
Noticed that the original directory size was 250MB, new one is 46MB.
Do I copy the newly created directories and files over the original ones. Sorry to be a bit vage, not that computer savvy.
Loose files are those in the root of the unit NOT in any folder.

Yes, you overwrite any existing files on the unit with the ones you extracted from the cab file.

Make sure you've made the Explorer backup of your unit's existing contents first.
Hi Andy and dhn
I should now be able to manage the process as discussed.

Will give it a rest for a day or 2. Have waisted a lot time since last Friday when the problems initially started. I was getting TomTomHome Runtime.exe error after map and OS update! After that episode, no more voice input!

BTW, good advice to take a copy of 720 by using explorer instead of the Home backup and restore!

Really appreciate your help and will post again when I have implemented the procedures.

Hi Andy and bhn

Well, managed to do as requested and guess what....the bloody thing still does not want to play ball!:roll:

I just wonder if it has something to do with the new Aus map that has been installed as well. And of course, I do NOT have an older back up. Did not realise till we spoke that I should have been doing explorer back ups instead of TomTom Home backup.. More the pity.

BTW, still waiting on info from Aus support desk. They emailed me that the problem has been escalated to level 2, whatever that means....

In the meantime gents, thank for your help so far.
Have been on the phone for over 1 hour this morning with Australian TomTom support. Very helpful indeed, tried various updates etc complete reload of s/w and map, however it did not fix the problem though. What we have established is that the following combination of s/w and h/w can cause problems.
Device AK8AC BALT2
Australian map - ver 885.4021.
App 9.400.851694.1 OS 802398
(1020, 1/2/2012)

They confirmed this whilst talking to me this morning. The support person loaded same s/w and map on their TT720 and guess what? Identical problem.

They have forwarded the problem to TT support in the Netherlands and if there is no resolution, they will take my 5 year old unit back and have the problem fixed under warranty.
Be interesting to know if there are any other Australian TT720 users with same s/w and Map are also having problems with Voice Recognition.

Will keep you posted with further developments……

PS And I can kick myself by not doing MS explorer device copy and save, instead of using TomTom Home...:(
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Further developments....well there are none. The Australian Support Desk have completely dropped the ball.

What next? I don't know. Might have to ditch the TT720 and look at other options!

Thank you NOT, TT support!

PS I know, you guys warned me before about TT Support, the lack of, maybe I am a slow learner :)
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