Yes, you're right, TomTom Home 2 doesn't allow to change the device. There's another downside with this v2 Home. With the previous versions I could connect my SD card to my PC and Home would recognize it as my One and allow me to update.
With Home 2 I have to efectively connect the device to the PC, and maybe that's why we can't change the device.
As to my One it's actually a SirfIII with serial begining with E2. The only way I could get the update (and possibly not exactly the right one) was with this method above.
With Home 2 I have to efectively connect the device to the PC, and maybe that's why we can't change the device.
As to my One it's actually a SirfIII with serial begining with E2. The only way I could get the update (and possibly not exactly the right one) was with this method above.
The option to change the device is grayed out in my instance of Home 2.0.
I'm looking around to see if there is a config file in Home that has stored the device type info. If an entry exists, maybe it can be edited to allow a different device type. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that anyone with the SiRFF III chip set and a serial number that begins with an "E", is going to be denied until TomTom rolls out that specific version.
I've read that the justification for the rolling upgrade is due to TomTom's desire to prevent their distribution server from red-lining. Gee, just how tough could it be to add a few more resources to their server, and make a LOT of customers happy? D'oh!