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Yes, you're right, TomTom Home 2 doesn't allow to change the device. There's another downside with this v2 Home. With the previous versions I could connect my SD card to my PC and Home would recognize it as my One and allow me to update.

With Home 2 I have to efectively connect the device to the PC, and maybe that's why we can't change the device.

As to my One it's actually a SirfIII with serial begining with E2. The only way I could get the update (and possibly not exactly the right one) was with this method above.

The option to change the device is grayed out in my instance of Home 2.0.

I'm looking around to see if there is a config file in Home that has stored the device type info. If an entry exists, maybe it can be edited to allow a different device type. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that anyone with the SiRFF III chip set and a serial number that begins with an "E", is going to be denied until TomTom rolls out that specific version.

I've read that the justification for the rolling upgrade is due to TomTom's desire to prevent their distribution server from red-lining. Gee, just how tough could it be to add a few more resources to their server, and make a LOT of customers happy? D'oh!
The option to change the device is grayed out in my instance of Home 2.0.

I'm looking around to see if there is a config file in Home that has stored the device type info. If an entry exists, maybe it can be edited to allow a different device type. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that anyone with the SiRFF III chip set and a serial number that begins with an "E", is going to be denied until TomTom rolls out that specific version.

I've read that the justification for the rolling upgrade is due to TomTom's desire to prevent their distribution server from red-lining. Gee, just how tough could it be to add a few more resources to their server, and make a LOT of customers happy? D'oh!

Thats what i'm gettting too. I actually work at Sharper Image tho and we just got the new TT1 v.3 with the new software and updated maps so i may just return mine and exchange it for the new one
Just be clear, the CSR stated that version 665 was the latest version for my particular model (TT1 v2). She said that the newer maps that are on the TT1 3rd Edition and Go 520/720 wouldn't fit on my device (and many other models) .

I also thought she said they were working on a map update that would enable MapShare and other features for this device. I believe there are some threads about running 675 maps on the TT1 v2, but I believe folks are doing this from an SD card vs. internal memory. Any truth to what the CSR said or do you still think she was full of it?

I have the ONE V2 (Sd slot but 1 gig internal memory) Serial # starts with a Z, 4n00.005 is on the bottom and when all of the home and software got updated after my 1st hour with the unit a few days ago my ONE. The Show Version menu option on my ONE says App 7.120 Map v675.1409
Thats what i'm gettting too. I actually work at Sharper Image tho and we just got the new TT1 v.3 with the new software and updated maps so i may just return mine and exchange it for the new one

I would be cautious about getting a TT1 v3. I personally haven't seen one, but from what I have read they dropped Bluetooth and the SD Card Slot. The absence of the SD card slot would bother me as I like to run the North America maps (more detail and POIs) that won't fit on the internal memory.
Reverting to Home 1.5.106 didn't change the device offering. ???

As to my One it's actually a SirfIII with serial begining with E2. The only way I could get the update (and possibly not exactly the right one) was with this method above.

Well, you have me totally baffled! I have no idea how you were offered multiple device types in Home 1.x.x. Can you be specific about the Home version that you used? I don't doubt that you have had the success you claim, but I haven't seen that solution at any of the forums that are working on this issue. Could it have been a fluke? Lucky you!
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I would be cautious about getting a TT1 v3. I personally haven't seen one, but from what I have read they dropped Bluetooth and the SD Card Slot. The absence of the SD card slot would bother me as I like to run the North America maps (more detail and POIs) that won't fit on the internal memory.

Yea i did notice that when messing around with the new One earlier today. I do like that it has the hookup for the traffic antenna on it but was disappointed bout the bluetooth and SD slot missing. How does the 720 shape up in comparison?
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TT one updated and found several great new features

My recent update happened without any fuss... Home reported new updates were available... I downloaded and installed and everything worked fine.

Obviously Home has a new UI which may be better or not... not sure yet. But what I am most excited about is the changes in the TT itself. I have read in this tread several mentions of the current road addition to the main map... great but not the most important improvement. What I am excited about is:

- North up scrolling map view! You can now choose 3D, 2D track up or 2D North up. I really prefer North up because it gives me a orientation to what is around me and where I am. You could always go to view maps and that would show North up but even though your position would update the map would not scroll. Yeah for North up scrolling maps!

- There is now a choice of status bar vertical or horizontal! My preference has always been for vertical giving me a square map window which is best for North-up maps. I have never understood the lure of wide-screen displays for GPS... if you are viewing track-up you want a deep map, not a wide map... you want to know what is ahead, not what is to the left and right. So my thought, "wide screen display" is only a marketing ploy.

- Better display of road names (at least in my neck of the woods). For example in the old software a road near my house was labeled "Co Hwy 22". I never knew it was a county highway and certainly did not know it was Hwy 22... it is Creek Street! Now with the new software it displays as "Creek Street Co Hwy 22"... much better!

- The last change that is worth mentioning is there now seems to be a lot of things in baby blue rather than the darker blue that I prefer. Some screens look kinda wimpy to me but no big deal.

Now it only you could set the zoom on the scrolling map and have it not resort to default in a few seconds.

All in all, hats-off to TomTom for providing the update FREE. Not may companies or software vendors do that anymore.

NOTE: These comments are about a TomTom One that now has App 7.120 GPS v1.21, Map: USA_and_Canada v665.1293
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I'm using Home v1.5 build 106.
There's a menu on top, next to "File" called "Device". In that dropdown menu there's an option called "Change device" which opens a dialog box where there is a button at the bottom that says "Change target device" and let's you choose the device from a list.

In this list there are 4 different entries named "TomTom One New Edition". The default selection with my device is the first one of these 4. If I change it to another entry, it tell's me there are updates.

I don't actually have my One connected to my PC. I'm just using a card reader and have the SD inserted. Home 1.5 detects it as my One and does this in any computer I have tried so far. But I think I remember being possible to do this even with the actual One connected.

Don't think it was a fluke... just tried it again just now with an SD card I kept with the previous version, and it told me right away there was an update for One application. Also I tried this procedure in this PC I'm at right now and one at home. :)
Hope this works for others!!!

Well, you have me totally baffled! I have no idea how you were offered multiple device types in Home 1.x.x. Can you be specific about the Home version that you used? I don't doubt that you have had the success you claim, but I haven't seen that solution at any of the forums that are working on this issue. Could it have been a fluke? Lucky you!
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Eureka! It works! TT1 v2 SiRFFIII (s/n starting with "E")

I don't actually have my One connected to my PC. I'm just using a card reader and have the SD inserted. Home 1.5 detects it as my One and does this in any computer I have tried so far. But I think I remember being possible to do this even with the actual One connected.


Your last post was exactly what I needed. It turns out that if the TT1 is plugged into the computer, the "Change target device" button is grayed out and is not available. Once I disconnected the TT1, put the card in the card reader and restarted Home 1.5, the button became available and the upgrade process went smoothly.

At this time, my One v2 with SiRFFIII (s/n starting with "E"), with the 6.75 fully upgraded and FULLY FUNCTIONAL. So far, the boot-up speed is normal, MapShare works, there is no brightness control issue, and there are no voice problems whatsoever. The version of Navcore is 7.120.8459, and the map is 6.75.1409. Note... I purchased the map a couple of months ago.

I'm going to write up and post a formal upgrade method, based on your helpful information. I know that a lot of folks are having a hard time waiting for TomTom to finally do the right thing.

I gave you a rep point for your excellent and timely help. Thanks.
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I have read this work around on the yournav site. I'm not sure I want to try it quite yet even though I'm anxious about the update.

Wiley, have you experienced any side effects by doing this upgrade?
Good to go!

I have read this work around on the yournav site. I'm not sure I want to try it quite yet even though I'm anxious about the update.

Wiley, have you experienced any side effects by doing this upgrade?

So far, I have not noticed ANY abnormal behavior. Now, that said...I realize that I will need to do some additional testing over a few days.

What I've seen so far is rock-solid.

I've typed up the upgrade process with some graphics. Do you think I should post it, and give everyone a chance to give it a shot?

Assuming that a user has performed a solid backup, what is there to lose? Remember, none of this process is a hack. The upgrade is performed entirely within TomTom tools and procedures. As long as we're talking about the TT1 exclusively, I think the upgrade is good to go.
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Yeah, coming from a programmer's perspective here, it isn't going to hurt your device to try this. After all, it's as simple as backing up (via Windows Explorer) and restoring if you have any problems anyway. It's a five-minute fix!

I have had ZERO issues and I have been running precisely the same combination of operating system + maps as Wiley. There is absolutely nothing to fear here... TomTom's only motivation in breaking up the delivery of the new OS is simply to relieve demand on their servers. Seeing as they've been finicky the last few days since the Z deliveries began, I'd say that was probably a good decision, too.
Ok, i think i screwed up somewhere along the lines. I put my SD card in a reader and updated Home to V.2 but now the only map version i can get is version 665. How do i get to v.7????
Yeah, I wish... I really might upgrade to the v7 maps as well if possible as soon as they're released for the US. I can probably get them through my business, so that's definitely a plus :p

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