New TT Home Beta 2.601512 available


To need to opt in to getting offered the BETA

You can enable this by doing the following:
Go to Tools on the menu bar at the top
Select TomTom HOME Preferences
Click the Advanced Tab
Click the check mark "Inform me when beta releases are available for installation"
Click Done

I know you said that you would not install it but I was explaining why you were not offered it.

Hey, thanks for the info :D

PSJ aka Marc

You know HOME 2.2 and also 2.4 worked very well !

TT you still have not worked all the bugs out of 2.5 !
( I stiil have to use version 2.4 to reload POI's )

The LAST thing TT needs to be working on is HOME !

TT listen up !....Work on getting the $ 200 - $ 500 devices you sold people working correctly " first ' !

Judging purely on the basis of bugs we've seen in the past, TomTom has always acted like HOME is being developed independently of the device. I don't think they are capable of shifting priorities around that way.

However I do agree that 2.5 is buggy and I always wondered if that was really a beta release that was pushed to production before it was ready. I would have liked to have seen them fix 2.5 before starting on the next release, but they may still fix 2.5 before 2.6 is released.
I don't think they are capable of shifting priorities around that way.

Yes, I'm sure you and the others are correct on this.

I dislike the idea of TT moving on in one area and just ignoring other areas that are really broken !

I'm just steamed that for over 9 months we have waited for TT to fix the " turn itself on by itself " problem.

We have put up with that since navcore 8.010 ( 8.002 was the last really working dependable version )

Then they go and release 8.15 maps that require 8.3 to fully work.

Then we find out that 8.3 stutters and turns itself on by itself !
( and TT won't come out and " offer " 8.320 as a fix for the stuttering ) ( many of us have found this out on are own ) ( 8.320 still turns itself on from time to time )

I mean much time would it really take a TT navcore that has already been working on navcore to find the problem....or just add the option to FULLY turn off the device as a temporary fix.

We should really have that option already....just for storage-travel occasions. ( I do know we can " force "the TT to turn off completely by using the reset pin or removing the SD card )

:) OK, I'll stop :D
See they've pulled the Beta from available updates on the Home checking function. It no longer offers the Beta as an upgrade

Check your TT Home preferences. If you have checked "inform me when Beta releases are available for installation" on the Advanced tab, you should get it. If you don't have it checked, it won't show up.
Check your TT Home preferences. If you have checked "inform me when Beta releases are available for installation" on the Advanced tab, you should get it. If you don't have it checked, it won't show up.

Ahh, bingo! I don't recall setting that on, on my PC. When I reinstalled Home on another laptop, it did not offer the Beta, so either the default is off or I'd set of off previously and it retained that setting.

Thanks for the clarification.
TT Home Beta feedback

Found a bug -- every day, my MapShare count drops from 30k to 10k. I have to go to the MapShare prefrences and move the slider down and back up, exit Home and restart, before I get my MapShare data back again. This happened a couple of times with the old version, but every day with the new version. I'll report it through the regular online tech support system, since I wasn't given any "special" beta test error report process.

Something else I'll mention: this statement on the "Contact Us" page is inaccurate:

"After you are logged-in, you will see a question form at the bottom of our support pages which should be filled in as completely as possible. The more detailed information you provide about your problem, the better we can assist you with your question first time around."

There is no way I can find to submit a question without going through the whole process of picking my unit all over again, which is a bit silly.

However, when I did go through the process, one of the categories under "Your question is about:" is "TomTom HOME 2.6 Beta", so they're trying. :)

Submit feedback about the TT Home Beta to (e-mail address removed) and remember to copy and paste the System Information provided by HOME.
Submit feedback about the TT Home Beta to (e-mail address removed) and remember to copy and paste the System Information provided by HOME.

I did, and got back a note thanking me for my feedback on the Beta, saying "Your comments will be forwarded to our Product Management Team for review." No promises, which is to be expected in beta testing.

The strange thing, though... since I got the reply, my MapShare count hasn't dropped again. I wonder if they might have flipped a bit in the server side of the MapShare interface and corrected the bug already?
Found a bug -- every day, my MapShare count drops from 30k to 10k. I have to go to the MapShare prefrences and move the slider down and back up, exit Home and restart, before I get my MapShare data back again.

I'm left wondering how did you determine that 30k is the correct amount of data for your respective settings, device and maps instead of 10k? Maybe 10k is the correct one and by hassling with the slider you confuse the software to apply more data than is in fact needed.
I'm left wondering how did you determine that 30k is the correct amount of data for your respective settings, device and maps instead of 10k? Maybe 10k is the correct one and by hassling with the slider you confuse the software to apply more data than is in fact needed.

Mostly because 30k is about the number of changes reported by the old HOME software, and by other posters in the forum who set their unit to "accept unfounded rumors" mode. :)

Also, because HOME displays how much space the changes will take up. Currently, it says "Current corrections on device: 5.5MB / After this update: 5.5MB". When it was losing the updates, the space taken up by "Current corrections" was the same as if the slider was set to "Strict" or "High".

FWIW, Home asked me if I wanted to upgrade yesterday. In for a penny, in for a pound: I'm now running, up from .1512. No obvious changes noted. I may try some exit name updates using "operate my ONE" if I get a chance, but it's busy time at work.
I reported a really goofy error in HOME yesterday. I set it to "Operate my ONE", but then I had to do some actual work. When I went back to HOME, it freaked out -- the window wouldn't appear, and it messed with other windows all over both screens (I've got a dual monitor setup). The funniest thing is that in the top corner of my primary screen, part of a window was showing with the word, "Congratulations". (I think that was the word -- I was in the middle of something else and didn't write it down!)

I was able to close HOME from the taskbar (though the menu options were garbled there, too!), and had no further problems.

I haven't tried "Operate my ONE" again, but if I get a funny hidden message again, I'll be sure to write it down. Just another example of the lesson all programmers must learn: don't put *anything* in the code that you don't want the user to see. The message could have just as easily been "This will never happen", or perhaps "If the user sees this, he is a twit!"
I happened to look at HOME after it downloaded changes, and there was a progress bar in the lower right corner saying "Downloading". When it completed, I got the following message:

"A new version of TomTom HOME is available: / It is a critical update for the version you are currently using:"

Interesting -- it's a big enough change that the revision number incremented from 0 to 1. And it happened sometime this afternoon, because I didn't get the message this morning. Must be important, because I wasn't asked whether to update -- just that I was about to do so. Having no other choice, I clicked "Continue". :)

Nothing strange about the installation process -- the usual setup wizard (I guess I could have cancelled out there if I really wanted to).

There are only two issues I've noted that are recreatable.

* The main one, not being able to see my MapShare count because of the "quarterly update" feature, is still there. I still don't know how many MapShares are in effect.

* The other one, the long-standing problem with MapShare preferences acting like "Strict" when its set to "Low", doesn't seem to have occurred. Going to the MapShare Preferences screen shows "Current corrections 1.0MB / After this update 1.0MB". Maybe it's fixed, but I won't really know until I check again Monday, after I take the unit for its longest trip yet over the weekend, 600+ miles to a tiger sanctuary in Arkansas.
I just installed the new version this morning also. I find the on screen response slow when running my One XL S from the desktop. There is a delay of about 2 seconds after I click the GPS screen. It was slower when I first started it. The previous one was instant.

Maybe it will get smoother as I go along.

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