New TomTom Home

Thanks Canderson,

I went ahead and emailed them through their website. But I know my complaint will probably fall on deaf ears.

Depending on what -- or if I hear back -- I might try installing an older version of HOME. I still have HOME from about 3 years ago. It probably is too old and won't support the newer TomToms like the XLs. I saw the link provided by dhn with links to other versions of HOME.
As another user here was kind enough to point out, and I've been able to confirm, there's an easy 'hack' that will keep Home from updating itself. I'm back to running

In essence, the user reports the following:

Install a previous version of Home - anything prior to will do. I am running, the version just prior to the "nasty" one.

After running the *.exe to install the version of Home, do NOT run it.

Navigate to: C:\Program Files\TomTom HOME 2\xul

Using Notepad, Wordpad or another text editor, edit the file in xul called application.ini as follows:

In the line which reads 'Version=2.X.X.XXXX' (matching the version you have just installed, modify the number to read ''. When your prior version of Home runs, the version will be compared to the most recently available version, and no update to Home will be required or recommended.

This will continue to work until the next version of Home is released somewhere down the road. At that time, if we still find that the new version of Home being released is problematic, we can share the version number that is reported for the update, and we can modify the application.ini file again with the new version number.
Thanks Canderson,

I went ahead and emailed them through their website. But I know my complaint will probably fall on deaf ears.

Depending on what -- or if I hear back -- I might try installing an older version of HOME. I still have HOME from about 3 years ago. It probably is too old and won't support the newer TomToms like the XLs. I saw the link provided by dhn with links to other versions of HOME.
You will want to work with at least a version 2.3.X.XXXX of Home. However, I've found that the more recent was working well, and continue to use that one. Andy_P points to a good link to that version in the 2nd post of this thread ->
As another user here was kind enough to point out, and I've been able to confirm, there's an easy 'hack' that will keep Home from updating itself. I'm back to running

In essence, the user reports the following:

Install a previous version of Home - anything prior to will do. I am running, the version just prior to the "nasty" one.

After running the *.exe to install the version of Home, do NOT run it.

Navigate to: C:\Program Files\TomTom HOME 2\xul

Using Notepad, Wordpad or another text editor, edit the file in xul called application.ini as follows:

In the line which reads 'Version=2.X.X.XXXX' (matching the version you have just installed, modify the number to read ''. When your prior version of Home runs, the version will be compared to the most recently available version, and no update to Home will be required or recommended.

This will continue to work until the next version of Home is released somewhere down the road. At that time, if we still find that the new version of Home being released is problematic, we can share the version number that is reported for the update, and we can modify the application.ini file again with the new version number.

Or you can just modify the number to read 10.000 :)
That should make the update bug go away for a while.
Incindentally, TT Home will report version 10.000 in Help / About taskbar.

I just did this to my version 2.7 and no more update bug.
Anyone know where I can get a Mac version of the previous version of Home? I want to revert but don't have a .dmg...
I believe v2.8.0.1019 was the Mac version released at the same time as v2.8.0.2146 for the PC.

The download link for that Mac version is HERE

Hope that helps!
Excuse my silly question ... i was expecting a .dmg but this is a zip file. I downloaded it and double clicked ... and couldn't see anything happen. What am I doing wrong?
Two days ago I got an email reply from TT CS (customer support). It was a canned message that showed that they really didn't read my complaint... which stated that their latest release of TT HOME was unacceptable. Explained that if forced the user to download and install any new App offered. I updated my complaint because it said if I didn't do this within 72 hours, my case would be closed. They replied back that it was escalated. In the meantime they suggested I could fall back to earlier versions of HOME... which I had already done.

I'm running with the hack of changing "application.ini" to read version number 10.000. Works fine! No update nag.

Thanks to all that helped this work-around. :)
That's why we typically recommend a phone call. It always seems to take several back-and-forth operations to get anything useful started through email, and often, the original message isn't being addressed at all.
Two days ago I got an email reply from TT CS (customer support). It was a canned message that showed that they really didn't read my complaint... which stated that their latest release of TT HOME was unacceptable. Explained that if forced the user to download and install any new App offered. I updated my complaint because it said if I didn't do this within 72 hours, my case would be closed. They replied back that it was escalated. In the meantime they suggested I could fall back to earlier versions of HOME... which I had already done.

I'm running with the hack of changing "application.ini" to read version number 10.000. Works fine! No update nag.

Thanks to all that helped this work-around. :)

Where did you get the old version of Home? I need a Mac version... Previous post gave me a download which I haven't worked out how to unzip. (I have Stuffit but don;t know where the resultant extraction has gone. I'm not very good at this stuff...)
OK. I feel such an idiot... I've found 'TomTom' which is the program, but where do I do the hack referred to above? There doesn't seem to be a file to change the version number on... Mac aficionados please help as i assume it's not in the same place as on Windows!
OK. I feel such an idiot... I've found 'TomTom' which is the program, but where do I do the hack referred to above? There doesn't seem to be a file to change the version number on... Mac aficionados please help as i assume it's not in the same place as on Windows!
Not familiar with MAC's, but I'm pretty sure there should be a similar file structure. Where ever you found the subdir: "TomTom Home 2", there should be a subdir under that called "xul". Under that subdir is the file "application.ini".

Hope this helps.
Not familiar with MAC's, but I'm pretty sure there should be a similar file structure. Where ever you found the subdir: "TomTom Home 2", there should be a subdir under that called "xul". Under that subdir is the file "application.ini".

Hope this helps.

I think this is where Macs differ from PCs ... the totally of the application and all it needs is in the .app file. (This means that when you drag the .app file to the Trash can it gets rid of the application and all its associated files automatically - supposedly). So there is no separate directory, no .ini file, etc. I wonder if this means that Mac users can't use the workaround described above...

Thanks for trying to help.
No *.info file? No *.plist file? The application has to at least be storing preference information and login information somewhere.

Check File>Properties for the application to see what may be stored there, too.
For the Mac version

In your home folder, find:

Library/Application Support/TomTom Home/Profiles/xxxxxxxx.default

xxxxx will be random alphanumeric characters unique to your computer

Open prefs.js with TextEdit

Change all occurrences of the version number to 10.0 - I found three in total

This worked for me!
For the Mac version

In your home folder, find:

Library/Application Support/TomTom Home/Profiles/xxxxxxxx.default

xxxxx will be random alphanumeric characters unique to your computer

Open prefs.js with TextEdit

Change all occurrences of the version number to 10.0 - I found three in total

This worked for me!

Mmmm. Found Library. Found Application Support. No TomTom Home subdirectory. Did search and no such directory on drive. Also did search for 'default' as part of filename. Nothing.

Any ideas what is going on?
Try a search for "prefs.js"?

There might be several of these... I seem to remember the preferences for Firefox are saved in a file with that name too.

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