New Software 8.010

Updated to the new software the other day, and now my compass is all shows N and S ok, but E and W are reversed....anyone else have this issue?

The compass in Nav8 always points North. Visualize laying your unit down flat on the surface and try to orient yourself around the direction you see it pointing (N).
Glad you asked

Do custom menus with itineraries still work? What about Tripmaster 2 beta?

I'm glad you asked, because **NO** itineraries on a One 3rd Edition no longer work! I used custom menus to gain access to Itneraries on my One 3rd Ed., and now (after upgrading the firmware to v8.010 last night) when I press the Itinerary Planning button, the unit freezes for awhile, then finally reboots itself.

In fact, that's why I'm on the forum today--to see if anyone else has this problem and, if so, if anyone has discovered the solution to it. :eek:
I'm glad you asked, because **NO** itineraries on a One 3rd Edition no longer work! I used custom menus to gain access to Itneraries on my One 3rd Ed., and now (after upgrading the firmware to v8.010 last night) when I press the Itinerary Planning button, the unit freezes for awhile, then finally reboots itself.

In fact, that's why I'm on the forum today--to see if anyone else has this problem and, if so, if anyone has discovered the solution to it. :eek:

Unfortunately, it's a lesson you've learned the hard way.........upgrading TomTom software and THEN checking the forums for known issues (that problem has been in various threads for the past few days). But, we all do that too often, don't we? (I could write a book .... :( ).

You can revert to version 7 of Navcore if you have one backed up. Here's a link to previous versions if you don't:

The next time TT releases a version 8, check here before taking the plunge. (And I have to remember to do so as well :p )
Did this update get pulled? My TT One is still 7.162. I've tried multiple times to check for updates and all I get is quickfix and mapshares.
Unfortunately, it's a lesson you've learned the hard way.........upgrading TomTom software and THEN checking the forums for known issues (that problem has been in various threads for the past few days). But, we all do that too often, don't we? (I could write a book .... :( ).

You can revert to version 7 of Navcore if you have one backed up. Here's a link to previous versions if you don't:

The next time TT releases a version 8, check here before taking the plunge. (And I have to remember to do so as well :p )
Luckily, I had made a backup of my 7.166 installation, so reverting back to it wasn't a big deal. But before I reverted back to 7.166, I came here to see if there was a work-around.
You can revert to version 7 of Navcore if you have one backed up. Here's a link to previous versions if you don't:

The next time TT releases a version 8, check here before taking the plunge. (And I have to remember to do so as well :p )

Oh? I made a backup before upgrading to this newer version so does that mean I can downgrade my firmware? Are the instructions to do that in this forum or one of the other ones?

Yes, it did. Stay tuned.

Am having the same problem

received an e-mail from Tom Tom advising of updates available, after installing the updates I experienced the exact same issues. It would appear that I have 2 versions downloaded on my computer but will not be able to get back and try and sort it out until next Sunday. I will check back then and see if anything of more value has surfaced....good luck with your search.....Barrie
I had the exact same problem.
see my entry about it. I was able to fix it but had to go back to a previous version.
Dork i am

Did the same. Upgraded like I had gotten a new present for free and was excited. Got to the screen to hit to layout a route and hit Iten. and it froze up and reset. :eek: After much weeping and gnashing of teeth I took a backup and drug i over to my TomTom and got it all back. :)

I do hope Birdman can figure something out. The idea of a car instead of an arrow sounds like a lot of fun, although i can live without it if i have to.

What are some of the other features with the new software? Anything major cool or helpful?
Navcore 8 Annoyance

Since installing Navcore 8, a seemingly new feature informs me that routes it has created involve travel over unpaved roads, and asks if I am happy to proceed.

I live on an unpaved road! Therefore it asks me every time I want to navigate to or from HOME.

Does anyone know how I might turn off this setting, if it is a setting, or feed back my displeasure to TomTom?
I have the XL-S, and most of the problems mentioned by a number of people.

I went to the HOME site, redownloaded the HOME program to my PC. After a restart, and connection back to HOME, it all works.

I believe that something in the 'update' messed with the originally downloaded program.

Your ideas???
ok but how do i install it on my unite. thank for the help guy's

Backup the existing contents of your unit using Explorer. Download the version you want and unzip the contents to overwrite the existing folder contents on our unit. In other words, you'll be overwriting newer files with older files.

Once done, tap the satellite bars on your unit and that'll show what version is installed.
Hi everyone. This is my first time here and wish I would have found it sooner since there's such a great wealth of information.

Just wanted to chime in with the latest update to my One 3rd Edition. Seems like the compass I used to use gave me the option to always point north and show the direction I'm heading in. Now I get a tiny compass arrow but in order to see the direction I'm going in I would have to enable that in the status bar but by doing that it shrinks a lot of the surrounding text to the point where I'm now having problems seeing the characters clearly enough. Anyone else find this a step backwards instead of forwards?


I just noticed tonight that I am missing my compass and it isn't even in the manage features section to get it back..WTF?? It was set to show heading in degrees, great for boating, as my car already has a built in compass, so I know where NESW are...Geez, I HATE TomTom updates! :mad:

Also, I think the little black and white POI icons look like 8 bit graphic crap on my XLS now...Errgghh!

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