New member Go 1005

Unless you are needing to 'hide' your recent destinations from prying eyes, there's no need to delete them. As you create new ones, they will replace those in the list eventually. I can't recall exactly what the total list size grows to on these newer units, but it's finite. Eventually, the newest will push the oldest off the list.

Otherwise, it's an 'all or nothing' approach.
How do you delete routes you've used but won't use again....

A subtle point but an important thing to grasp.... The TomTom doesn't remember your old ROUTES.
All it ever remembers are LOCATIONS (single points on the map), which may be Favourites, POIs or your "recent destinations" list.

As such, they don't really take up any memory on the device, so unless you need to get rid of the old destinations for privacy reasons, then do as canderson says and just ignore them, and they will slip down the list and disappear in time.

(FWIW, the length of the list on the new models is the same as it is on the old ones - 24 recent destinations get shown before the older ones start dropping off the end)

If you DO want to use some of those destinations again, you might be better off saving them as POIs or Favourites.
Can I download more colour maps for this device ?
I see tomtom site says you can for tomtom home ,how about my tomtom ?
You can add color schemes to your unit using the Add Community Content link on the desktop MyTTSA when the unit is connected.

So, if you get schemes using Home with a pre Nav 10.X device, they can be added to the new device.
They are standard and I gather the quality of them depends upon the data in the relevant map.

For example, in the area where I live, 3D representation of buildings is fairly useless.
In the UK, they introduced 3D buildings to the maps about 5 years ago, but they were never terribly impressive just slight "humps".

Also, they ONLY drew them on the maps for the centre of a few of the biggest cities. My route into work crossed the "border" between flat and 3D, just near Putney Bridge and it looked odd on screen as you went across.

There was never any way for a user to switch it on or off.

BUT, they scrapped the whole idea again a couple of years later, so buildings now just seem to have a slightly browner "patch" around them sometimes (depending on your selected colour scheme).


In regard to your PM about where to find new colour schemes. There are two main ways.

1. If you still have access to an old TomTom that uses "Home" to connect to the internet, you can use that to access TT's own library of colour schemes that people have made. You can then copy the colour scheme files over to your Go1005 as explained below.

2. Alternatively, you can find them on the web.
You can try Googling for them, but probably by far the best place to find them is here:

As well as having several pages of colour schemes that you can try (use the tabs "schemes 1", "schemes2" etc.), it also has a free downloadable editor program which helps you to make your own! (if you get REALLY keen...)

Installing them...

Once you have found a colour scheme you like from somewhere, the actual file you download is a simple text file called something like "my_nice_scheme.clr".
The .clr extension is what TomTom's are looking for.

Save that file (or several of them) somewhere on your PC where you can find them again.

To add them to your Go1005, you connect the Go to your PC with the USB lead, then run the MyTomTom PC program.

Once that is running you click on the red TomTom icon near the PC clock and in the small window that appears, select "Add community content"


That will open a new browser page where you can add POIs, Voices, and other stuff, including the colour schemes. Like this:


When you click on "Add Colour scheme" a standard File selection window should open allowing you to find those files, wherever you saved them on your PC.

Follow the steps to upload them, and that's it!


To get the TomTom to use the new scheme, disconnect the TomTom from the PC again, and go to the "Settings" menu.

Somewhere in that menu (page 3 on mine) there's a setting for "Map colours". Tap on that and you get asked which colour scheme you want to use for 3D view in the day, 3D view at night, 3D view - day and 2D view - night. For each one, you have to scroll through all the available schemes to find the one you want.

Any new schemes that you've added tend to be right at the end of the list, so be prepared to scroll through all of the built-in schemes first.

Hope that gives enough detail to get you on your way!

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