New maps V6.75



Thanks for the replies! This is one of the many reasons I like the Tomtom - the excellent user community!

to 47jimbo - thanks for checking the 6.75 map - I'm disappointed that the interchange is not there. Going to google maps ",+stafford,+va&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.240201,77.607422&ie=UTF8&z=14&iwloc=addr&om=1" will show you what the interchange structure really looks like.

to Gemini061270 - thanks for the tip-in about downgrading the app version as well. I don't have maps v650, so I'm not sure if will be an impact for me.

I also checked on the Garmin web site- they have an interesting tool that lets you look at their map database online. Just as surprisingly, this interchange is not on it as well....I'm kind of glad that Navtel apparently suffers from the same poor map updates as I like the Tomtom - but I'll still go to a Bestbuy this weekend to see if a Nuvi has this interchange or not.

I will probably try to upgrade to the NA map v665 - I want more space for additional customization anyway!

Again - I thank you for your comments!

Is this the interchange that you ask about? if so, it is present on the V6.75 map:)


That's it! The missing interchange!

Thanks so much for the confirmation...I must have screwed the coordinates posted earlier....glad you were able to figure out what I meant, rather than what I said!

My faith in Tomtom is restored!

Thanks again to all for your willingness to help!

I'm glad that you found it! I have found several improvements in the V6.75 maps, both in Europe and USA/Canada. Too bad that they will not let you people in North Ameria upgrade:confused: To me V6.75 is a big step forward! I'm glad that I can use it for my trip to USA / Canada in 6 weeks!:D
I spoke to TT tech and he told me there is V.665 & V.675 so I said to him V.665 is wayyyyyy off as in location for me, I said how do I get V.675, He said basically they are the same maps that the V.665 came on DVD and the V.675 is downloadable and the only difference is for them to tell who got the free upgrade vs. who purchased which sounds like BS to me. Looks like I can purchase the V.675 but not sure how much it cost shows in Euro's. But hate to purchase and its not different from the V.665 cause that is so not accurate!
I emailed a request to Tomtom support to see if they will make the v675 maps available to US customers. I'll post back with their response.

I don't know any other differences that 675 offers - but I do know that at least one major interstate interchange that's about 2 years old is on the 675 map, and not on the 665 map.

A very rough euro conversion for today is 1 Euro = 1.35 Dollars. Yahoo finance can give you the current conversion rate:

Again - thanks to all for your answers!

Hmm. I loaded the 665 maps yesterday, and was surprised when I drove past where the interchange was - it didn't show up on the map. I drove past it twice, so I know that I didn't just miss it.

The TT1 originally had maps 660 - I received the free download from Tomtom for 665, and the TT1 reports usa_and_canada v665.1293.

Could you be using the NA maps, instead of the usa_and_canada maps?

The wife has the TT1 right now, or I'd check it right now. I'll definately look at this again tonight....


As usual - thanks for your help and responses!
V665 is not all that it is cracked up to be....although there are improvements in SOME areas (new construction in San Antonio and Albuquerque that I see) the interstates have problems that are gross as far as I am concerned. See the below thread.....

V675 has this problem fixed.....I have "downgraded" to V650 and am sticking with that....FORTUNATELY...I have a 910 and I can switch mapsets at any time.

I think TT should offer the V675 maps to folks in the states for free if they have purchased their TT's in the past few months.
Ok - I have a better idea of what is going on. The interchange shows up on the maps display, but the Tomtom will not route you on it. The interstate ramps are called "Unnamed road", and the road they connect to is called the "Airport Connector Road" instead of the "Centreport Parkway".

Very strange. I can see the interchange when I look at the map. However, when I do a demo of a route that goes along I95 past several interchanges, the others show up - this one does not. I see the same thing when I actually drive the map.

This is maddening behavior - i you can see the roads on the 'browse map' display, you should see them when you eiter run the route demo, or actually drive the roads. It's like part of the Tomtom knows the road is there, but part of it doesn't. Bah.

Perhaps runarg, or one of our other friends that have v675, would be able to run a route remo, and see if the interchange shows up onthe demo....

Regardless...I thank you all for your help!
Hmm. I loaded the 665 maps yesterday, and was surprised when I drove past where the interchange was - it didn't show up on the map. I drove past it twice, so I know that I didn't just miss it.

The TT1 originally had maps 660 - I received the free download from Tomtom for 665, and the TT1 reports usa_and_canada v665.1293.

Could you be using the NA maps, instead of the usa_and_canada maps?

The wife has the TT1 right now, or I'd check it right now. I'll definately look at this again tonight....


As usual - thanks for your help and responses!

I have noticed that when I'm zipping down the interstate at 70mph some interchanges are not shown on map. If by chance I start to exit for gas, etc. it acts like it zooms in a little and the interchange and surrounding roads pop up on map then and it starts recalculating route..... At least that what it seems like. I'll pay more attention this week.
Interesting behavior, Trey!

I'll have togo drive that route next week, and see if the roads pop up on the route as I begin to exit...

Thanks for the comment - I appreciate all the folks throwing their observations into the mix!

Perhaps runarg, or one of our other friends that have v675, would be able to run a route remo, and see if the interchange shows up onthe demo....
Yes, the interchange shows up on the demo. Look here when I drive a demo on I95:


And it also use the exit if I make a route ending in a place right after the exit:

I have noticed that when I'm zipping down the interstate at 70mph some interchanges are not shown on map. If by chance I start to exit for gas, etc. it acts like it zooms in a little and the interchange and surrounding roads pop up on map then and it starts recalculating route..... At least that what it seems like. I'll pay more attention this week.
Yes, that is exactly how TomTom software works. It has an automatic zoom. If you slow down or take an exit, TomTom automatically zoom in on the details.
Yes, that is exactly how TomTom software works. It has an automatic zoom. If you slow down or take an exit, TomTom automatically zoom in on the details.

Yes, I can vouch for that. After a weekend of driving, I was paying attention to the screen while going off the highway exit off the 401 and it slowly zooms in on the navigation screen.
Runarg - thanks so much for trying the demo route - I'm glad to know that it works properly with 675. There is hope - perhaps one day for us in the US we'll have access to correct maps!

I'll be driving on that interchange later today, so I can see what happens.

I was on a bit of a road trip this weekend (but not by that particular interchange). Over the span of 150+ miles, and many, many interchanges...every single one showed up as expected when I drove past it. The only one with a problem is the one I identified.

Now, please note that I'm not too concerned that the interchange is not "routable". My real concern is that if this one doesn't work....what other problems are in the map? If the quality control misses something major (I consider interstate interchanges major), then how many of the minor things are not reliable?

Ah will be interesting to see what Tomtom Support does with this.

Thanks for all of your help!
Hi all,

So have any USA owners been able to order the 6.75 North America map yet? I just tried the USA site and it still will not let me do it! The UK site still doesn't list the USA in the country list..sigh. Is there a trick to this or am I out of luck?
Hi all,

So have any USA owners been able to order the 6.75 North America map yet? I just tried the USA site and it still will not let me do it! The UK site still doesn't list the USA in the country list..sigh. Is there a trick to this or am I out of luck?

I just got off the phone with TomTom. Go to TomTom Home and select "Buy the latest maps" in the menu on the left side of the screen. You can buy the North American (6.75) map version there. Note the difference in size and price between the N. American 6.75 map and the USA & Canada 6.65 map. See below.

All purchases there are in Euros, so there will be an automatic conversion to US Dollars. As of 6/15/07 the conversion is: 1 Euro = 1.3307 U.S. dollars


Map of North America
Fully detailed map covering all American States and Canadian provinces (incl. Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico).
price: 87.95 (Euro) filesize: 1.4 GB

Map of USA & Canada
Detailed map fully covering all American States and Canadian provinces (incl. Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico).
price: 79.95 (Euro) filesize: 897.9 MB

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