New map 7.15 for the US

I've wondered the same thing... Especially when it comes to buying maps and not getting them, rebates and map guarentees... There is a 99% chance we're not going to be able to help. *shrug* :D

I was upgrading my GO920 at work and could only get the European maps so I called TT Support. I went through the whole issue of not being able to enter the code online like the coupon said. All they wanted was the coupon code, no receipt, and they would update. I told them the code was at home so I'd have to call back but they updated me anyway. I'll call them later and give them the code just incase this was a one time deal.

I'd like to know what they are going to do with the new GO920's since they can hold both maps in 4GB anymore. Are the new 920's going to come with 8GB or will you get both maps on a DVD and have to load the one you want?

I had to the great shuffle just to get both upgraded. Now I have both on a DVD so reloads are easy. FYI, I keep all of the old maps on DVD just incase I ever want to revert back to check something.
The tomtom rep yesterday told me there is no grey area on the 30 day deal day 31 you loose. I was lucky as yesterday was day 30 for me:D and I got the 715 map for my 720. They said they cannot give any breaks there but said there are instances. I did have to have the promo code and receipt
Anyone having trouble downloading the new 7.15 maps? I used the Latest Map Guarantee and it tells me the newest maps are only 7.10 (I have 7.05 now) I've tried the last 3 days and it still says that only 710 is the newest... I only have a few days left on my guarantee!
tried my first directions today with It was a house address and it was waaaay off and even sent me the wrong direction on the road I was at house 101 when it said I reached my destination when in fact I was looking for 127 and it was about 1 mile away in the opposite direction on the road. This did not make me real happy to say the least as I have a 350.00 TT720 GPS and I was driving around looking for house numbers. The worst was it was a yard sale and the host said the person that had just left said they drove right to the house with there GPS as I asked if maybe there was a street name change.
I think noone calls TT because there is no budging on their policies...plain and simple, so why bother

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