New Go 920 and Map Guarantee

So If I get this right.... Some one buys a new unit that they have paid for both North America and European maps. Both of them out of date now because they sat on a store shelf for 2 months. I'm not entitled to all updated maps to replace the old ones they stuck me with? TomTom need to get their head of their TomTom.
So If I get this right.... Some one buys a new unit that they have paid for both North America and European maps. Both of them out of date now because they sat on a store shelf for 2 months. I'm not entitled to all updated maps to replace the old ones they stuck me with? TomTom need to get their head of their TomTom.

If your unit is less than 30 days old, then you indeed are entitled to both NA 7.15 and WEurope 7.15 maps. The sad thing is you'll have to fight like hell to get the European map. But call TTSupport.
I got my 920 a week ago. Trying to get the latest map through Home's 'Latest Map Guarantee', I was told I had the latest maps (I have 710 maps). After getting no response to my email I finally phoned them yesterday.

They were very helpful and after asking me to send them my receipt and latest map guarantee card they set me up to receive the 715 North America map. They would not budge on the European map. The supervisor I talked to (Vicky) said that their web site clearly states that I am only entitled to the North America update. I disagreed.

I then told her that on the package it guarantees that I get the latest maps. I asked her if all customers are expected to check the web site rather than believe what's on the box. She responded that if I did not do my research ahead of time that was my fault and there was nothing she could do.

I then told her that there was something I could do, which will be to return the unit. I downloaded the North America map with no problems so the next owner of this unit will at least have that.

Now I have to wait for a couple of months to either get another 920 with the latest maps already installed or maybe a 930. I will stick with TomTom because I really like the GPS' but I sure wish they were a little more concerned with being fair to their customers.:(

I don't understand why you would buy another tomtom if they treated you this way. I have one now and it's too late to return it, but I won't give them money again.
Why indeed. I bought the 920 mainly because I am travelling to Europe and needed the European map. I live in Canada so of course if I'm going to spend the money I also need the North American map.

That left me with, IMO, two choices. Either the Go920 or the Garmin 770. As I write this the local price for a 920 is $419.99 and the 770 is $699.99. Given that the 770 has traffic I'll compare it to the 920T which is currently ...$499.99.

Although I haven't owned a Garmin and can't absolutely state that the TomTom is better, from all my reading I have decided that I like the features and ability to customize the TomTom better. Therefore, if the prices were the same, I would choose TomTom. Since there is a $280.00 difference (or at the minimum $200) this is a no brainer for me.

Now, as to my not giving TomTom my business. I work with people I don't particularly like (and they probably don't like me either) but I still work with them. While I am very unhappy with the way TomTom is treating me, my unhappiness does not extend to my being willing to spend an extra $280.00 for what is, in my opinion, a not quite comparable product. Lets face it, the 710 European map will probably get me where I want to go. My complaint is that if a company says they will give you the latest they should honour that and not try to legalese out of it. What goes around comes around and I think one day TomTom will realize this position has cost them customers.

Continental Drifter had this to say:

"My complaint is that if a company says they will give you the latest they should honour that and not try to legalese out of it. What goes around comes around and I think one day TomTom will realize this position has cost them customers.

And it maybe already had - read that TT sales or at least, returns on investment is down. Too much price competition. I am more than miffed by their weedling out of providing the Europe map. I have been recommending against their service/support since then. I have generally liked my 920 but their policies leave much to be desired.
another PO'd customer

re - their latest map guarantee - just spent an hour on the phone with TOmTom supervisor - they insist that I will not get Europe map upgrade - this is just wrong - and I believe that if enough people complain they will cave in-

Like some others I bought the unit mostly for travel in Europe - so that is where I want the latest map version.

It is simple - they say latest maps for . . .

now someone who lives near wherever the first batch of units that shipped with the new maps could have purchased the 920 2 or 3 weeks before I did - they have the latest maps - I buy the identical product (no differentiation is made by TomTom - the 920 is the 920.) 2 or 3 weeks later and I do not get the latest maps and according to TomTomspeak - I do not deserve to get the latest maps and really have no reason to quibble about it.

JUST FLAT WRONG and I am steaming mad - I have made sure that they opened a file on this and have told them that I will keep calling until they give me the upgrade. also -to note the date that I started action to get it - because I will travel to Europe in May and use the 920 whether or not they have provided me with the upgraded map but that they can be certain that upon my return that I will be returning the unit directly to TOmTom for a full refund. then I will purchase a unit that does have the latest map on it.

I encourage everyone who has this problem with them to call - and get a supervisor (I spoke with Casey- who assured me that he was the only supervisor there - that there was no one above him - so if that turns out to be a bit of a porkie - let me know that as well)

. . . get a supervisor and get a file opened and tell them the same - that you will give them a specified time to make the situation right or that you will return the unit directly to them for a full refund.

Oh yeah - he also told me that they had no one - er well maybe a few people - complain about this but that no one was unhappy after they gave out the steaming pile that they seem to think gets them off the hook on this.

He also told me that no one has gotten a free upgrade to the europe map.- so if you have please leave message here as well.

Please call them and complain - if you do leave a message here.

rant over

It may be that I have the 1 year free upgrades but I got the Europe map upgrade and in fact I had to ask them for the US maps since it did not show up as it should have.

We'll see what happens when the next et of upgrades come out in a month or so.
No Problem Upgrading Maps...

I too received the upgraded maps of Europe and NA, without a problem. When I called, I spoke firmly and stated that I wanted both maps since I purchased the 920T last October which is well within the one year window. I was not even asked to fax my receipt to them. Within twenty minutes, the new maps were waiting for me in TomTom home to be downloaded. Maybe I was just luckly and got the right person on the phone or maybe it was in my delivery - firm, direct and without hesitation.
And they wonder why people will share the maps without paying for them. Just give me what I was promissed when I purchased the unit.
I too received the upgraded maps of Europe and NA, without a problem. When I called, I spoke firmly and stated that I wanted both maps since I purchased the 920T last October which is well within the one year window. I was not even asked to fax my receipt to them. Within twenty minutes, the new maps were waiting for me in TomTom home to be downloaded. Maybe I was just luckly and got the right person on the phone or maybe it was in my delivery - firm, direct and without hesitation.

They wouldn't do it for me (only got NA), I was polite and firm, but they just refused. I thought about suing them but I'm going to let it go (I'm sure that's what they count on). But it's going to hurt them more in the end since I've already talked a lot of people (>10) out of buying TomToms.

Bad word of mouth travels a lot faster than good. They made me mad enough to inspire such hatred for them.

I still hang around here since I have one now, and this is a great forum, but they will never see another penny from me again (in addition to the lost business from my recommendations).

And I admit I felt good to see their financial situation lately is bad, they have it coming.
Certainly agree with your point of view. A perfect example of a company being 'penny wise and pound foolish'. Especially when it appears the Europeans ARE getting both map upgrades for their 920 units. It's ironic that TomTom has a market share of 50% in Europe but single digit in North America where they want to gain a stronger foothold. And then they treat North Americans this way.
I, too, have warned friends about TT's failure in the customer service department. Actually, I believe it goes beyond customer service - they have reneged on their contract. I don't know if it would be fair to Costco to return the unit but may do that just to show my distaste for how TT has treated me and others.
I had contacted TomTom support about this same issue and was also told it was for North America only. I sent them a link to this thread and informed them that their practices were generating a lot of ill will and bad word of mouth "advertising". They haven't replied back yet though...guess we'll see what they have to say.

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