New 8.25 maps - No new app

There are at least two versions of this map, one "simplified", Not sure exactly what has been simplified, but that is the map you will be offered for a 125,
I was able to confirm this morning that the lane assist features for Canada are not included for either 8.25 or for the next map release
I was able to confirm this morning that the lane assist features for Canada are not included for either 8.25 or for the next map release

I am glad you found this out. I have a 'credit' from TT issued by tech support in September that I will be given gratis the next map release which includes LA for Canada. I guess I will wait.
From what I am seeing so far(Philadelphia area)
They add the ALG for the I76, which wasnt there in 8.10 map
Also, they make 2 corrections in my area
(I submit them a long time ago through map share but I don't know if it is because of that)
so far so good
I hope they can correct other places I submited
a few observations:

-Canada, still no lane assist [GTA demo]
-2 versions of course [the < 1 gig & full featured one]
-few MINOR updated roads [very few]


I've not updated navcore, as I understand it's a stuttering
fix & my unit ain't stuttering.

Nothing all that different from past years maps. I'd most
certainly hang on and wait. Wait for how long? That's the
question which has no answer. Still, there are many roads
that are in error. Somthing just ain't right. Obvious changes
that i'm certain have been reported, have not been updated.
Just a bit of info on the North American map subscription that I found out today.
I was talking to TT suport this am regarding another matter and I asked if there is any word on when the North American map subscription would be available .

I was told that they couldn't give me a definate release date but that they have just had training on it.

I asked if it would be safe to suggest within two months and they said yes it would definately be within two months.
The last tomtom investor call said they projecting that store inventories of the older models (I assume x30s) will clear out in 1Q09. They said they will be releasing new products in 2Q09, so all the stars are aligning with map 835 in May and 740s due out soon.

I really hope tomtom is planning a Verizon bluetooth patch for HD traffic so they can do a US launch.
Which would more or less rule out 740's (and the hope for HD traffic) ever showing up in Canada. Only ATT&T would work, I think.

Mind you, since there is no ALG for any Canadian road in map 810, 815, 820 or (reportedly) in the NEXT release, it's pretty clear TT considers Canada as an afterthought.........:(
I know it can take a long time, tomtom may be waiting until Verizon goes 4G with sim cards.

It just seems like a wasted opportunity, they could write a bluetooth relay patch and install a server pretty quickly. They have 99 percent of what they need to go live.

HD would be perfect in cities like Boston where the decision is which sidestreet is faster, rather than which highway (the only info available from the competition). Tomtom would be way ahead of the competition without much work.
Did the subscription service came out today? Just pulled my wife's XL to upadate map shares and was offered the sub service.

Total cost for 12 moths is $39.80... Not sure whay the mention the 'equivalent' of $9.95 per quarter...

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