NA larger poi/crpoi dat files

Yes it does BUT at the bottom of the window it says 'Don't Ask me again'. Click it to make the window disappear. Then you get to the download button.
I'm also having the same problem downloading the larger POI file from As reported by Spook45, after you answer the security validation question and wait for the 30-second delay, the browser reports an error, stating that it cannot display the webpage or that the webpage has a redirect loop.
Ditto for Firefox. After waiting the required 30 seconds and hitting the 'slow' download button, the link used causes issues here, too.
Sounds like the same problem we saw with the 895 POI files. I will submit a problem ticket with the FF Help Team to see if they can clear this up for us. I will let all know what the outcome is. It will probably take a couple of days (or more) to look into this.

Thanks Arno for providing these files for all of us. I think FF has a problem with their input UI on their site.
They indicated that they are aware of the problem and are working to fix it. I'll let you all know the outcome when I know it.
Received a message from the FF Help Desk: The file is fixed and I have already downloaded it. So let the downloads begin for all who are looking for this.

Thanks to Arno for making these POI updates available to all of us.

Happy Holidays to all.
905 Brand, poi.dat and crpoi.dat files

905 NA 212.45 MB

Unzip, copy the 2 .dat files to the North_America folder, all others to
the Brand folder.

I hope you are aware through what mental anguish you put me!

I registered, was told that I will get an eMail confirmation and until reaction to that confirmation is received only 50 downloads would be permitted.
Never received that eMail, in spite of multiple requests and yes, I triple checked that is was my correct address of the last 12 years.

It then allowed me to upload and showed this


That happened three times this morning, exactly at 21%.

When I got back, I uploaded to Filefactory.
Checking the URL right now, it is the correct one but it won't let me check the file without signing in.



  • Mediafire_101.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 557
I'm also unimpressed that FileFactory's page opened a new page in my browser and tried to push a (probably) bogus Flash Update from It's a bogus site. Beware. Any time you decline to become a FileFactory member, it opens a new window to some other site. version-upgrades is just one example. Didn't used to do this.
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See if this works

Don't know how it got there but that is when I see in the command when the below download box shows next to the advert.

I still haven't received an eMail to confirm my registration but while doing other things this afternoon tried the upload again and it took this time.

Well, testing the URL through this post it does open the pictured download window and the button appears to be active.

Good luck.


  • Screen033.jpg
    34.1 KB · Views: 362
Thanks Arno. The link to the Mediafire site works just fine for me. I downloaded the file without any problems. They didn't make me jump through any hoops or wait for a specified time period. Looks good.

Thanks again for providing this service to the forum.
You are very welcome, Bob.

I had left that tab open because they never sent me a confirmation eMail.
I called them on their 800 number and the Support fellow said that I am now signed in.

The funny bit will come three/four months from now as I forgot what I used to sigh up, expecting to get a temporary password and picking my own upon acknowledging the confirming eMail.

Mind you, their warning was that until I did the confirming they would not allow more than 50 downloads! Yeah, right!

You are very welcome, Bob.

snip ... snip

Mind you, their warning was that until I did the confirming they would not allow more than 50 downloads! Yeah, right!


Does the MefiaFire or the File Factory sites provide you download stats for the files you post? Just curious.
Does the MediaFire or the File Factory sites provide you download stats for the files you post?
File Factory did not in the past.
For MediaFire I will find out in 3 - 4 months, when the v910 comes out.

I had been advised about a maximum of 50 downloads until I was signed in. When I went back to the still open tab to try again and then used the toll free number it did display that there were 45 downloads left.
Dunno Arno. You show me yours, and I'll show you mine (when I get it updated -- I've got a 740 and they just seem to have finally released that one).

How big is your POI.DAT file, and CRPOI.DAT file?

We'll find out whether the 9XX units are getting the same size files as the 7XX.
Geez. TomTom production server must be totally slammed. This download may set a personal record for time. The clock drops about 2 seconds for every 15 actual seconds, and it's still showing 2:03:45 about an hour after I started the download. If things don't let up a little, I'd estimate another 12 hours, at least. Have NEVER seen it this slow, even back in my slower ISP days. Looks like a bloody dialup connection tonight.

Anyway, I'll post if/when I ever get those two files in to compare.
I got a very fast map download. Can you sniff your download connection to find out the server IP? They use Akamai now for Android maps, and they might be using it for Home2 also. If they are using Akamai then it's the local server at your ISP that would be slammed.

I know Google Play just released a bunch of app updates to various Google Android apps announced at Google IO last week, it's possible that those be tying up Akamai. If it remains slow let me know and I'll contact some of the Tomtom reps to research.

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