Molasses runs faster than downloads

May 4, 2013
Murfreesboro,TN USA
TomTom Model(s)
XL 330S
I get repeated emails from TT to update my TT. Now don't get me wrong, I live for a good update; but when it comes to TT updates, they are slow and unreliable. I have been trying to update my XL330S for 2 days. Here we go, plug in to TTHome. Log on. Navigation device finds updates, selections checked off, virus software disabled, start download(s). 3 hours later after many levels of download, backup, install we get an error message stating, error in writing to hard drive. End result, corrupted navigation device that won't operate. Sad news. I know this device is hardwired with it's TT heart and soul on the chip. That no longer displays on startup. The machine (Nav device) tries to go but can't find its voice. It says when queried that it has application 8.083, USA-Canada. It tries but I think TT HQ gave it a lobotomy. My machine (computer) is a Dell XPS 8300, I7 Duo, 8MB ram, 1 TB HD, connected to internet by Ethernet cable with speed for download 25mbps, upload 5 mbps.
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Error writing to hard drive ... need to focus on this first. Was the drive that was indicated a drive on your PC or the device itself?

We also will need to focus on one update at a time. I assume you were, among other things, trying to update firmware.

Do you have a backup of your unit in its state BEFORE you were trying to update things? If so, it will likely be easier to start from there and work forward.
Molasses continuing

The backup that was done first was a good backup, BUT, I kept trying to install and the update routine kept making corrupted backups from bad info in the nav machine. The write error was writing to the Nav machine not the PC. These were multiple tries to get a good update to software/firmware, and a map update USA-Canada. This does not address the snail pace of the data transfer.:eek:
Can't help with the slow transfer ... I assume you were just after the Mapshare update and not a whole map. I don't see that kind of slow download here, but haven't had to pull down anything substantial for a few days. However, both a slow transfer and corruption can occur as a result of a poor USB connection (personal experience, too).

If at all possible, I would like you to use a rear USB port on your PC, and if possible an original TomTom USB cable.

As for your unit, let's see if we can get things working. We assume 8.083 is at least a valid starting point for your firmware, so let's see how this goes. I will assume your backups were made using TomTom Home.

FIRST .. it is critical that you back up your map folder. We can replace anything else, but not that. So do the following. Make a backup using the procedure at this link >>>

Now, because of the nature of your trouble, I want you to go out and look and report back how the backup looks vs. what was on the unit.


Next, have you EVER purchased a full new map for your device, or did you ever use the "Latest Map Guarantee" that was available to you when you first purchased your unit? If either are true, please check for the following folder >>> "C:\Documents and Settings\[yourname}\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map" or the equivalent My Documents folder for Win7 or Win8, whatever. In the "map" folder, should it exist, do you find any other folders that start with "North_America" or similar? I'm asking this in the event that the backup of the map that was on your unit might also be corrupt for any reason .. getting my ducks in a row in advance.

Now ...
Plug your unit to the PC. If TomTom Home fires up, terminate it.
Format your unit with your OS just as though it was a disk drive. Format as FAT32, and do NOT use QuickFormat.
Use the proper USB disconnect method (icon in systray).
Unplug and replug your unit to the PC. Allow TomTom Home to fire up. It should note that you need an update .. though it's a lot more than that .. you need an application for your device!
No matter what is offered, accept ONLY the application for update. Allow it to download and install on your unit.
Use Home to properly disconnect your device and then unplug and replug it. If Home offers yet another update to the application you just received, rinse and repeat from Home disconnect through application installation until Home ceases offering updates.

When you are done, let us know what application you finally wound up with.

Once that's complete, and while the device is still connectged, copy the North America map folder back from your backup that you made per the instructions above. Yes, manually copy the entire folder intact to the 330. Use Home to disconnect. Remove your unit from the PC and power it up.

Does it work now?
No matter what is offered, accept ONLY the application for update. Allow it to download and install on your unit.
Use Home to properly disconnect your device and then unplug and replug it. If Home offers yet another update to the application you just received, rinse and repeat from Home disconnect through application installation until Home ceases offering updates.
This may sound odd but I used to be on 8.302 by choice.
Last year when the 3rd of a 4 quarterly map subscription was offered, I was forced into the then current version, which required first to update to 8.351 and then another update again.

Nothing to worry about if you follow canderson's instructions.
If you are not sure, don't think "he probably meant ...". Come back here and ask him to clarify.
Your 930 runs a different build than the 330. Yours is a GO and his is an XL.
Definitely not due to available memory vs. features, and some of the older units never did receive updates into the 9.XXX code.

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