Mini USB Connector Broken

Repaired GO720

This thread has helped me greatly ... and encouraged me to take the unit apart when it ceased charging (the usb socket was very loose).

I bought 20 USB sockets (minim order quantity) on Fleabay for $5.60 (free shipping from Hong Kong).

Also bought a new battery since it was going to be apart and the old one holds charge for about 10 minutes.

Took it apart, and saw that the socket is surface mounted, and was loose on one side: many years ago, my eyes would have been young enough to tackle the removal and re-soldering. Instead, took it to a local computer repair company in Midland, MI (Compucon Computers) and for $25, they soldered the socket I provided back on and unit works great! Remember, they did not have to tear down or reassemble the unit.

I have no financial interest in Compucon, apart from being a satisfied paying customer. If anyone wants their number, let me know.

The socket did end up being a little longer than the original , and the guy who fixed the unit did mention it was a little fiddly getting it to fit, but there is no clearance issue on the case where the usb socket protrudes.

If anyone wants one of my spare sockets, please let me know. I'd be happy to sell them for the postage and envelope cost
Nicely done, Gordon! Yes, there's some sort of evil inverse relationship going on in the world. The older we get, the worse our eyesight becomes, but at the same time, the smaller the components on these boards become. My opinion is that these parts and the pitch of their leads should be getting BIGGER as I get older :rolleyes:.

Can you identify a url that points to the parts that you were able to purchase for this project?
Can you identify a url that points to the parts that you were able to purchase for this project?

The connectors were purchased via BuyBay Although I did find another source on eBay that was cheaper ($1.79 for 10 pieces). Click here

The battery was from (click for more info).

Hope this helps someone get their TomTom running again!


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