McDonald's - 1.7

I can fix these up. However Im still in South America. When I get back, I?ll work on this for you. thanks for the feedback on the icons.
The only negative feedback I would have on the POIs is that some of the icons are easy to read and some are not. McDonalds is a no-brainer, nice golden arches on red. But Subway and Holiday Inn Express look similar to each other, and neither is really readable.
Both icons have been updated! :D
Thanks for feedback.
Could you please be more specific?
Please give me a street intersection or address.
Sometimes the McDonald's website isn't fully accurate as well. It couldn't locate a McDonalds from my block.
Im not sure. The only way to know if to add the POI and check to see if there are any in your area. The POI file is big!
Could you please add MN? :)
Are little arches supposed to be showing up? I have the tomtom 3rd edition and they don't seem to be showing up???
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Two questions:

1) Is all of California in this file? I loaded it and didn't see any in Santa Cruz or Scotts Valley, but San Jose does show up...

2) Is there a way to get JUST California?

Are these forums still active? I'd still love to get an updated California only McDonald's file if possible.

My wife started drinking their iced coffee and it's WAY cheaper than Starbucks. Having this for our upcoming 1,000 mile California road trip could save me a lot of money! ;)
Am I asking in the wrong place? I'd love to know how to do this myself, but I haven't found out how yet so I'm asking for all McDonald's in California please.


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