Mark a spot.

Dec 25, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
How can I quickly mark a spot? I have just changed to Tom Tom from Garmin and I can't figer out how to mark a spot or add something to favourites with out going through a long drawn out process.With the Garmin all I did was press the arrow and give it a name and add it to favourites. I know the answer is right in my face but even after reading the book, I can't mark a spot.
I am not sure if whatever model you have (there are a LOT of XL models) include creation of a 'quick menu' button on the main page, but that would be one approach to getting there quicker if one of those is an option. I don't even recall (am on the 'road' with a device with a totally different menu structure and the others are at home) whether "Add Favorite" is a quick menu option. Someone 'home' will no doubt chime in.

That said, adding a favorite or adding a new entry to your own custom POI would be the two ways to mark a new location.
How can I quickly mark a spot?.

On my model I can add the position marker to the screen by setting it up as a preference, by doing the following:

1. Tap screen
2. Change Preferences
3. Scroll to #4 of 6 menu items (Quick Menu Preferences)
4. Select the "Add Position to Favorites" item
Thanks, Alfie. Couldn't remember if that was an option for a Quick Menu item on the older platform devices or not.
I'm not real good at this kind of stuff but none of that worked for me, may-be I have a completely different system.
When I fire up the Tom Tom I get 2 options on the screen, Plan Route and Browse Map, along with 4 buttons along the bottom, Sound, Night, Help Options and Done.
I can't find any of the things you mentioned.
Once you have a gps fix .........

Options-->Home & Favotites-->Add Favorite-->Arrow right-->My Location.

Another way ..........

Browse Map-->Tap blue icon on bottom of screen (signifying the blue icon on the map where you are)-->Add as Favorite.
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Thanks DHN, The 2nd way works but seems to be a long way around, as far as the first way goes, it all worked fine Options-->Home & Favorites-->Add Favorite, was O.K but there is no "Arrow Right" and no "My Location"
Could I be working with half an operation system?
By 'arrow right', I meant you needed to get to a second screen where 'My Location' is found. Do you not see a grey right pointing triangle under the 'Address Icon' ??

Also, Do this:
Click Done-->Now, the bottom right of the status bar-->Click on the little box on the right that says 'version with a value'. On the next screen, what is the app value showing? [should be 9. followed by a seies of numbers].

Report back.

Also, when you connect to Home with your device are you offered an application update?
I know what arrow you mean but my Tom Tom does not have one there, after I press "Add Favourite" I get 6 icons, "Home, Favourite, Address" on the top line and under that is "Recent Destination, Point of Interest and Point on Map" There is no arrow and no second page.

The Tom Tom is running Version 9.151.

I have connected it to Home and updated every thing I can, It is all up to date, so it tells me.

I have up uploaded a small video to my Youtube page, Can you have a look and see what I am seeing?


Cheers, Robbie
Yes, I see what you mean.

You know, your model has the 'EasyMenu' which some of us refer to as 'dumbed down' in that the user has fewer options available.

I'm provided a link to instructions to add a custom menu to your model to add additional functionality to it.

Read through the entire thread to get an idea what's possible.........
Thanks dhn, I followed the instructions but no change, I could of got it wrong but this is way beyond me. I am a bit pissed they didn't tell me I was buying half a Sat Nav, any-how, looks like I will have to live with it now or go back to the Garmin. I would of though that "Marking a Spot" would of been considered one of the most important functions and would of been included in the "dumbed down" model.
Part of the reason our answers didn't start out very specific is that you're showing an "XL" model, and there are quite a lot of them that start with that prefix. Now we see what you're dealing with.
TomTom doesn't use a whole lot of imagination (nor are they particularly consistent) in their naming schemes, and even use different names in different parts of the world for the same model. A sampling follows!

ONE XL, ONE XL-S, XL325, XL330, XL335, XL340, XL350, XL 22, XL30, XL Classic Europe, XL IQRoutes 2, XL Live IQRoutes Europe, etc etc etc.

Anyway, you really aren't in a "live with it now or go back to the Garmin" situation. You just happened to pick one of the TomTom models that have the annoying EasyMenu user interface. There are plenty that don't.

What features do you use the most when you use a GPS, and which are on your "can't live without" list?

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