
Do they ever actually use the map updates you send them? I sent them a map update of a major road which was missing the first week that MapShare was implemented, and after about a month with no update, I submitted it again, and they still don't have it added. From what I can tell, they just ignore and map updates you send them.

Mapshare is supposed to only updated error like wrong name, POI and street direction... the second menu for missing street ect is for you to repport and will be added in a new map version...

so mapshare will never add new road, just correct error on existing road on your map
Oh.. it would be nice if the people that work at TomTom knew this. They told me that after the report of the missing road is entered in that they turn it over to a company that uses satellites to map the missing road and that it would show up, probably within a few weeks they said, in the MapShare update. I guess that explains it, just another CSR that didn't know what they were talking about. I hope they come out with a map update soon.

Thanks for the info.

Actually, that is entirely true about the capabilities and function of MapShare. There are basically two different functions, and updates from both are both submitted and downloaded via MapShare:

Immediate On-device Changes:
TomTom MapShare? allows for six different types of on-the-fly changes to your maps:
? (Un)block a street in one or both directions
? Reverse direction
? Name or rename a street
? Add a POI
? Remove or rename a POI
? Add or change a POI phone number

Changes submitted for review to TomTom:
In addition to these on-device changes, you can report 27 different types of map errors directly to TomTom such as new/missing roads, exits, and rotaries.

All of these changes are correctable via MapShare -- you will not have to wait for the next map update. Now, how quicky these changes are verified by TomTom and then distributed, and whether or not there is a priority for the correction and/or distribution of these changes, I'm not sure (but I suspect there is). For example, if your tiny little hometown of Boboville in the state of Nowhereland has a newly paved road that leads to the ol' Johnson homestead, I seriously doubt that will be distributed with the same level of importance as a new 4-lane highway being added in Manhatten, NY.

I also wonder if the change is major -- like in my area of NE Florida, there is basically an entire new town being built with literally hundreds of new (some major highway) roads -- if TomTom will not just wait for the next map update to include it. I guess that would also depend on what data is available to them at the time to verify the new changes. In my example, this new town construction will be ongoing for 5 years. They may want to wait a year or two to implement any changes (to make sure they get them all).

Regardless, most of these changes should be coming through MapShare, but I'm not sure about priority and turn-around time.
They are rebuilding the northbound ramps on CA State Route 55 at edinger along with several other streets in that area. This should be done in the next few months although some has already been completed.

As soon as they complete just a little more I'm going to put in a map update. We'll see if it shows up on MapShare.
Actually, that is entirely true about the capabilities and function of MapShare. There are basically two different functions, and updates from both are both submitted and downloaded via MapShare:

Immediate On-device Changes:

Changes submitted for review to TomTom:

All of these changes are correctable via MapShare -- you will not have to wait for the next map update. Now, how quicky these changes are verified by TomTom and then distributed, and whether or not there is a priority for the correction and/or distribution of these changes, I'm not sure (but I suspect there is).

I've found a missing street, and reported it...shouldn't I be able to save it & use it locally until this gets verified?...
I've found a missing street, and reported it...shouldn't I be able to save it & use it locally until this gets verified?...
No, there are some changes that you will not see on your device before TomTom updates the map. That is f.ex. missing streets and roundabouts.
I am a TT newbie. I have tried to "add a street" where I live. I see that this will not be reflected in my TT until it the map is updated. What I found "odd" was that it seemed as though the start and end locations could only be on the existing map. In reality, all they seem to be looking for is a rough marker where there is a problem, and they then will use that to decide where updates should be applied. It seems as though it is not a way to show them where new roads actually run?
No, there are some changes that you will not see on your device before TomTom updates the map. That is f.ex. missing streets and roundabouts.

TomTom (TelAtlas) and the company Garmin uses does seem to keep up with the maps pretty good...
I am a user of the DeLorme Street Atlas USA and their changes are very slow.... like years behind:mad: . One thing I did like was that I could drive over a new road and save it to my software on my computer, then post the information to them. I thought this was the way that the Mapshare worked, but it is not. However the ability to update POI's and share those make Mapshare more useful to me because I am often driving to places that I am unfamiliar with and being able to find Airports, Hotels and restaurants are of higher value.:)
Oh yea
I meant to post the ability to go to the teleatlas website and post an update. I was suprised to get a response from them within 2 days of their appreciation...
Maybe more individuals should post updated street information directly to Teleatlas???
Oh yea
I meant to post the ability to go to the teleatlas website and post an update. I was suprised to get a response from them within 2 days of their appreciation...
Maybe more individuals should post updated street information directly to Teleatlas???

I tried that too, but I still haven't seen the updates reflected on my Tom Tom. I guess it takes them a while to verify the change before they roll it out. You might even have to wait until they release a new map.
I tried that too, but I still haven't seen the updates reflected on my Tom Tom. I guess it takes them a while to verify the change before they roll it out. You might even have to wait until they release a new map.

Your right, it does take a little bit of time for them to change the maps after you report it to Tele Altas' Map Insight. Even though you report the error, a lot goes into making sure that report is correct and making necessary changes in their data systems. I know we all wish the errors could be fixed as easily as clicking a mouse, but unfortunately that isn't the case.
Your right, it does take a little bit of time for them to change the maps after you report it to Tele Altas' Map Insight. Even though you report the error, a lot goes into making sure that report is correct and making necessary changes in their data systems. I know we all wish the errors could be fixed as easily as clicking a mouse, but unfortunately that isn't the case.

Yes, and I'd rather they take their time to verify they TONS of information I'm sure that they get before they roll it out instead of having to correct the corrections every day!!!
anyone know when the year of free map updates are over how much they cost normally?

The discounted price on the USA/Canada maps(the big set, not the major roads version) was 50 euros, which comes out to $73 US Dollars or so.
anyone know when the year of free map updates are over how much they cost normally?

The way I understand it, you will be able to accept updates on the current map until they release a newer version, (approximately a year). This stands to reason because you can't keep correcting a map that's already been corrected.

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