mapshare not available

It takes me 5 hours every time on the map update as well, and I've done 3 map updates so far. Rather than getting upset, I just set it to download the map and forget about it the rest of the day. It IS only 4 times a year. If it bothers you, you can skip some of the updates because you probably won't notice the difference most times.
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I'll try the chkdsk suggestion

Thanks dhn, I'll try your suggestion about chkdsk next time I connect my tomtom.

I have a fairly new computer with usb 2 and a wireless internet connection.
It's not the fastest connection out there, but it is pretty fast. I regularly watch streaming video and I've dowloaded equally large(or larger) files than the map updates, in less time. During the map download I wan't downloading anything else, and no one else was using the wireless connection.
Try a connected computer on your next large download. TomTom servers seem very fragile (don't play nicely) with wireless connections.
I was having the same problem up until today with it saying my maps have not been updated in more then 20 weeks and that mapshare was temporarily unavailable. I tried something different I have high speed internet so before I plugged my tomtom into my computer I logged on to internet explorer which I use as a browser and then plugged my tomtom into my computer and the software loaded and said I had a map update and gps fix which I was not getting before and downloaded them both and then it told me I had 495 mapshare corrections and I installed them and everything is back to normal now. I guess even though you have high speed internet you still have to open your browser before connecting to the home software to download updates.
I was having the same problem up until today
Wouldn't have mattered which computer or browser you used. The new maps that were released to day (865) also came with some Mapshare updates right away. The timing was just a coincidence.
I did not know about the release of the new map Thanks. Is there anyway to find out when new maps are going to be released or should I just try to update my software every week.
The map for 865 is available now (except for 1x, 2x, and Via owners).

Connect to home and Update my Unit if you have lifetime maps.

Or, if your current map is way out of date, then you can purchase the 865 using the Add voices/maps icon.
I did not know about the release of the new map Thanks. Is there anyway to find out when new maps are going to be released or should I just try to update my software every week.
Maps are released quarterly. We did have one hiccup last year where one was a bit late, but typically, you can assume about the 3rd week of February, May, August, November.
Well, it looks like with the update to 865, Map Share works for the first time ever. It has never worked until now. Yay! :D
Well, it looks like with the update to 865, Map Share works for the first time ever. It has never worked until now. Yay! :D
To be fair, it didn't work for the US/Can/Mex map, version 860.

It has always worked for the North_America_2GB map, and for earlier versions of the US/Can/Mex map.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear reports that it's back and running again with 865.

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