Maps v8.15 now available for nearly all devices!

That is correct. Version 8 maps only work with Navcore 8 installed; further, v8.15 only works with firmware 8.3.
You are correct for the Rider model; the original poster has a 720, so v8.15 only works with N8.3 firmware for him.

Thanks for the elaboration. :D
You are correct for the Rider model; the original poster has a 720, so v8.15 only works with N8.3 firmware for him.

To use 815 maps, 8.3 was introduced. For older models where the 8.x series failed, 7.9 was introduced.

Albeit in Krautzenheimer, here is an easily understood list of Models and dates of their NavCore versions, made by The Tremor.
Thanks for that, Arno (you really put my 2 years of high school German to the challenge :) ).

What I found interesting was that there was just about 2 months between 7.481 and 8.010; however, there was a full FIVE months between 8.01 and 8.3. Yet, they still screwed up a bunch of things .... :mad:

I've heard a new firmware patch is due, perhaps next week. Makes me wonder what'll be 'fixed' when the developers have just a couple of weeks between releases to code and, uh, don't laugh ... test.
I've heard a new firmware patch is due, perhaps next week. Makes me wonder what'll be 'fixed' when the developers have just a couple of weeks between releases to code and, uh, don't laugh ... test.
When I called them to put my free 815 map into my account on the 14th they said they were aware of of problems and hoped to release a patched version soon.

I am a Beta tester fo some other stuff and can say that we often find that a build may fix a minor problem. The next build fixes another problem but the one fixed last time is back or creeps up under unusual conditions.

Because of the complexcity I always expect something else to crop up.
I will state probles experience but cannot fathom how anyone can complain if something like MapSettings becomes incompatable with a previous version.
I am very disappointed that there is nothing like a Readme.txt file is offered prior to implementation of the new software or an conversion process offered.

This is only an example as I have never used Favorites and save some Recent Destinations as POIs.
What I found interesting was that there was just about 2 months between 7.481 and 8.010; however, there was a full FIVE months between 8.01 and 8.3. Yet, they still screwed up a bunch of things
Even more interesting may be the current tempest in a tea cup on that German site.
Someone said there was a reference on the Dutch site to a zip (cab ?) file for 8.204, the NavCore for the 940. He installed it on his 930 and claims it runs perfectly. No jerky maps, no stuttering, no weird night settings, TMC working well, speed cameras alert working well again. A 720 user has confirmed that it works well for him too.
Shrill screams of illegality and hacking, albeit not from the moderators.
It appears (although not expressly said) that it is the regular 940 cab file on TomTom's site.

I've heard a new firmware patch is due, perhaps next week. Makes me wonder what'll be 'fixed' when the developers have just a couple of weeks between releases to code and, uh, don't laugh ... test.
Another poster quoted a reply received from Support stating, in writing, that TomTom is fully aware of the problems and that they are working with post haste get a new release to market. (If you want to agonise a little more with your German, I'll post it here. ;->)

Remember, a lot of customers over there have bought their 815 maps under the new quarterly installment scheme and are thoroughly cheesed off that the stuttering tells them to turn at an intersection after they have driven past it.
Having paid for 815 but being forced to revert to 8.01 and 810 maps keeps the natives restive.
Some posters on the UK site are also using the 8.204 patch and reporting the same (successful) results.
Greetings - Brand new XL-S user (refurb $120 at Amazon)

Installed latest Home from web. Unit came with app 7.140, then updated to 7.167 and then to 8.010. But it never offered to get the latest maps. So right now I have 710.1575.

Online or via Home it gives me the option to 'purchase' 8.15 maps. But doesn't show as LMG. Nor won't update the app to 8.3.

Call tomorrow I guess? Also, have to get an SD card - not much room left on it... On the web, it mentions it only supports SD... and no SDHC logo...

Thinking about ditching it and getting a 720 refurb...


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