Map Version 7.20

But nobody says you have to buy every map TomTom puts out; in fact, the expectation is that users probably won't upgrade more than once a year.

When you see posts here comparing one version to another, the differences between the two for the most part are not a heck of a lot more than 'a little bit of this, a little bit of that' kind of stuff. Hence, for many, at least a 1 yr moratorium on map upgrades.
I agree on the 1 year moratorium for little changes, I just wish they would give me a better idea of what changed, so I could make an informed decision. Did this update not give me any new roads, but ALL the roads got better (more accurate) speed classifications? Because that would make a HUGE difference in the routing capabilities. I still often get routed via Interstate highways, because it thinks the shortest route is a 35 mile an hour road (not the 65 it actually is).

I posted on another forum, that a subscription service would be nice, or a prorated cost on incremental jumps per year. If you wait the year, you pay 100.00, if you get each jump (say 4 per year) you pay a little more for each but have them sooner (say 35.00/per at 140.00 overall).

I bought my 920T (brand new top of the line) less than 5 months ago, I have already seen 2 major map updates. It is a bit hard to take.

But I do love that they are constantly upgrading and updating!!

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What type of business model is that:confused: At least Garmin gives their customers a year of maps free.:rolleyes:

They do? When I bought a Garmin last year their policy was the same as TomTom's - 30 days from date of purchase. Since Garmin only releases maps once a year, you could theoretically buy a GPS device with maps that are 10 months old, but still the "current" maps. Then two months later, when the new maps are released, your maps are now 1 year old and you would be expected to pay full price for an update (if you chose to update, that is).

With TomTom's approach, if they released maps two months after your purchase date, your maps would only be 3 months old at that time. Additionally, there's a much higher likelihood of a release within 30 days of purchase.
I hope this is the right place to post this. I am considering buying the 7.20 Canada/US map but would like to know if a 6 year old bridge in my area has been added.

Anyone with map 7.20 can you please check.

At this location N 45.46285 W 73.59766

The corner of Monk Boul and St. Patrick there is a Bridge extending Monk Boul past St. Patrick street all the way to Notre-Dame.

I've sent Tomtom a few mapshare updates on this, I was wondering if they actually listen.
Thanks in advance.
Is Mapshare worthless? A new map with Mapshare access should theoretically eliminate the need to upgrade maps more than once per year. I don't have version 7 maps yet so haven't tried mapshare yet.

Have they not enabled road changes yet?
So dkoenig, are you saying Navcore8 has been released for the 920's ??

I in-advertenly purchased the 805 map update after getting mail yesterday or so of the new updates, course I can't use it without Nav8, it does'nt seem to show my any app updates yet.

Map 7.20 is "35 Weeks Out of Date" ???

Even though, I'm still within my initial 30 days on this ONE, Home kept reporting that 7.15 was the most current map, which was odd since 7.20 has been released.

After a couple of calls (& faxes) to TomTom tech support, I was able to d/l the 7.20 update, but now Home reports that my: "Map is 35 Weeks Out of Date" & that there are 23,024 MapShare corrections available.

What gives??!

At this location N 45.46285 W 73.59766

The corner of Monk Boul and St. Patrick there is a Bridge extending Monk Boul past St. Patrick street all the way to Notre-Dame.

I've sent Tomtom a few mapshare updates on this, I was wondering if they actually listen.
Thanks in advance.
No bridge, yet.

And they do listen. However, each correction has to be prioritized & cross-checked by their staff before appearing in a map update.

You can check the progress on the website, as well as, submit corrections, directly (although, they won't propagate through MapShare that way). I think there's an "Add Bridge" option in the GUI.

Look at it this way... with the other companies you would not have those FREE 23000 updates. Personally, I think it's great!

Another way to look is that the map has been sitting on the server.... while folks have been updating their GPS's.... then sending those updates back to TomTom. When you sync your unit... you get all their updates. Yes, they may be able to incorporate them into the map you DL'd but then you couldn't see the benefit of Mapshare.... :)

Look at it this way... with the other companies you would not have those FREE 23000 updates. Personally, I think it's great!

Another way to look is that the map has been sitting on the server.... while folks have been updating their GPS's.... then sending those updates back to TomTom. When you sync your unit... you get all their updates. Yes, they may be able to incorporate them into the map you DL'd but then you couldn't see the benefit of Mapshare.... :)
Oh, sure. I'll gladly grab them all. I think I had several thousand MapShare corrections on my previous map.

But has 7.20 been out for 35 weeks (since mid-Sept '07)? Probably not.

My ONE shipped with version 7.10, which Home immediately upgraded to 7.15. After which, it steadfastly reported that I had "the latest map."

The fact that 7.20 is reporting such a "stale" date may be the reason why it's not getting pushed onto everyone's unit.

That's all I meant. :)

Oh, sure. I'll gladly grab them all. I think I had several thousand MapShare corrections on my previous map.

But has 7.20 been out for 35 weeks (since mid-Sept '07)? Probably not.

My ONE shipped with version 7.10, which Home immediately upgraded to 7.15. After which, it steadfastly reported that I had "the latest map."

The fact that 7.20 is reporting such a "stale" date may be the reason why it's not getting pushed onto everyone's unit.

That's all I meant. :)


TT maps v7.20 are based on Tele Atlas maps of January 2008 that were released this month. Tele Atlas is the map provider to TT. When the map data is received from Tele Atlas, they work on it and around 3 months later make the maps available to their users according to their model's internal memory capacity along with the included POIs.
TT maps v7.20 are based on Tele Atlas maps of January 2008 that were released this month. Tele Atlas is the map provider to TT. When the map data is received from Tele Atlas, they work on it and around 3 months later make the maps available to their users according to their model's internal memory capacity along with the included POIs.

Based on January 08?

The 4 lane divided hwy between my town and the next (which has been there for about 12 year) still shows as a undivided 2 lane. When I first bought my TTR2, it had the 667 map in it, which showed correct. Upgrading to the 675 and now the 715 have the error. It would seem the 720 still shows incorrectly.

Based on January 08?

Based on TeleAtlas's maps as of January 2008. It takes time to get changes into the map.

...and prior to 675, Navteq was providing some of the maps. For my region (California silicon valley region), TeleAtlas is *way* ahead of Navteq, but YMMV.
Based on TeleAtlas's maps as of January 2008. It takes time to get changes into the map.

...and prior to 675, Navteq was providing some of the maps. For my region (California silicon valley region), TeleAtlas is *way* ahead of Navteq, but YMMV.

I dont know how TeleAtlas acquires there data, but I would think that a road that has been there for 12 years would show up.

I dont know how TeleAtlas acquires there data, but I would think that a road that has been there for 12 years would show up.


I also don't have that many details. I saw a short film on how they have 14 small trucks that travel the streets with a bunch of cameras and industrial grade gps equipment. They probably bought some maps at the beginning and go into the most densely populated areas first moving from city to city. I know Boston is very well covered from reports I've read. I guess if you are far from their headquarters, into a sparsely populated area, your chances of being well covered is quite low. Canada is not their best coverage from what I could gather.

What annoys me is the fact that new map data carries very few information except to say it is new. It does not help at all to make a wise decision whether or not the changes are significant to you. Of course, your local area is fairly well known to you and whatever map errors are local to you, you can dismiss easily. Then it depends on how you use your GPS navigational system.

I know mine helps me when visibility is poor to know where I am and where I will need to make a turn. In heavy snowfall or fog, or on badly lighted road at night, I really enjoy having the TT! Ever been on the unfamiliar expressway, caught amid a bunch of semi-trailers that block your view of the road, wondering where the exit you have to take will be seen? Ever been faced with taking an exit for the first time and then faced with two diverging roads with 6 lines of text on each boards without recognising which one corresponds to your final destination? Then there is the radar POI which can prevent you from having the dreaded speeding ticket...

I agree the routing often needs to be improved. I expect it will be another 5 years before the needed data is collected, stored on the memory and processed for major areas. Let's face it, IQ routing is a step in the right direction but still leaves a lot to be desired. Only recognizing workdays vs weekend is a bit skimpy... OTOH, the amount of data needed to have meaningful info is rather large to be stored on the present 2GB limitation of present high-end models. Even then, I don't expect it to be perfect as there are always going to be the unexpected road temporary closures.
Map Updates

Dear Felow Forum memebers, I have written about map dates a long time ago years ago when i had my first tomtom 300 then I purchaced a 510 now considering to purchace a 920. I have to say I like the tomtom product but As for the maps guys like I said before everyone is so anxious to purchace new maps constantly but unless you live in an area which is in constant growth i really dont see the need to get maps updated evrey year! You know there is a bridge the Vincen thomas bridge in Long Beach California that tomtom says its a toll bridge but hasnt been for atleast 10 years! In heavly populated areas where there is not much to build how many new roads can there be made? And if there is a new road or 2 do you think it's worth 70-100 USD for the upgrade? Tomtom might add 10 miles to the map you already have ! so do you think it's worth the 7$ a mile ? I think it's a rip off! TomTom should have updates for 10USD max! and they know it! approx the cost of a new updated paper map! I have never updated my first map and all that has changed so far to my knowledge are the new round abouts in some intersections in europe. And I should buy a 100usd map to show a round about instead of a 4 corner intersection?

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