I have been using Map Share for about 2 months now. After not connecting my GPS to the computer for about 3 weeks I figured i would update it. I just connected, installed the New TomTom app which was released, restarted the GPS, and noticed that map share does not seem to work anymore.
I then updated my TomTom Home software from 2.1 to the latest 2.2 version and it still does not seem to find any updated.
I proceded to delete all the updates and turned off Map Share, and then re-enabled it. Still Does not work.
TomTom Home on the main screen says (top right) "Your map is 19 weeks out of date 12546 free Map Share map corrections waiting" How can I get Map Share to work again?
Also this is on the TomTom One V3
Just found follwing thread. Seems like more people are talkinga about it here: