map prices are rediculous!

First of all, your 920 is capable of using a 32 gig sdhc card to put stuff on. So, there is no reason to remove an old North American map to update to a newer one. Just move the old one to a sdhc card (32 gigs is overkill). and let a newer map overwrite the old one. Try a 4-gig card for the North American card and keep the Western_Europe on internal (or vice versa). Then you'll have plenty of space on both internal and the sdhc card.

The pois can be adjusted through mapshare changes. Plus, there are lots of places on the net to download free custom pois.
TT also gets us in the US but the beneficiaries are the credit card companies. TT still insists on processing their payments through Europe so the credit card companies ding you a foreign transaction fee of around 3% on top of whatever TT charges. The only positive thing was they didn't charge VAT.

I've emailed Customer Service so let's see what they say. For now I'm putting on hold any future purchases from TT, and that includes scrapping my plans to pay the Live subscription when my 3 month trial is up next month. I hate credit card fees, however small it is.
TT also gets us in the US but the beneficiaries are the credit card companies. TT still insists on processing their payments through Europe so the credit card companies ding you a foreign transaction fee of around 3% on top of whatever TT charges. The only positive thing was they didn't charge VAT.

Use a Capital One card. They're the only bank in the US (that I know about) that waives foreign transaction fees.

Things may have changed lately, but when I purchased services in mid-2009, they charged through bebit, which processed as a domestic charge.
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Actually when I placed the order, it said it would be billed through Bibit. However my credit card statement shows it as "WWW.TOMTOM.COM INTERNET NLD", so something doesn't seem to be working right.

Applying for a Capital One card and dinging credit scores just for TomTom's laziness isn't a solution. Incidentally, unless things have changed recently, Capital One doesn't report your credit limit to the credit bureaus. So they use your highest ever charge as the limit when calculating credit scores making it look like the card is always maxed-out, and hitting your credit score again. I don't like either option.
I agree with you, TT maps are way too expensive, I sent a message to them that their maps are way too expensive, we all should email them, then only they will realize that their maps are really expensive.
we used the update map service and it came to $51 for 12 months but they had also added a 6 month bonus so a nice cheap update here.

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