Map 860 released (formerly: 855 map released)

Straying slightly off-topic, this is just the type of thing that worries me on TomTom's new Home3 and the 1000 series. Every recent map update and every application revision has introduced problems for at least some percentage of owners. TomTom seems unable to offer any updates that are problem-free. User forums like this can sometimes quickly determine both the issue and the fix, well before any action or even acknowledgement from TomTom. Serious support problems on the way when we can no longer assist buyers IMHO.
no map 855 for my 720

I have the 6 map program and have gotten 2 maps so far right as they were available but I checked again tonight and it still is not offering me the new 855 map. What can I do beside call them and deal with there CS.

I called CS and got right through. There server is down for service tonight so there can be no major downloads only the small map share updates
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For the GO510 the 2GB North America map is an invalid archive. I talked to TomTom Support and they expect to have it repaired by the middle of next week.
I installed new 855 map on my Tomtom one but tomtom home does not recognise the new map - Is there a fix for this?
Latest Map Guarantee "expired"

Have tried e-mail to TomTom but got canned response which told me nothing. Got NEW XXL530S a few days ago.
North American map version 835-2419. When I connect to TomTom and go to Latest Map Guarantee, it tells me this option has "expired."

When try update from main menu, it tells me my map is 4 generations old and I must pay $31.80 to get current plus $39.80 for next four updates. Unhappy, of course.

Any ideas? TomTom's not helping!

I installed new 855 map on my Tomtom one but tomtom home does not recognise the new map - Is there a fix for this?

If you're talking the "map is 20 weeks old" message. That's just due to a mapshare outage. As long as your device shows map 855, you're up-to-date.
Have tried e-mail to TomTom but got canned response which told me nothing. Got NEW XXL530S a few days ago.
North American map version 835-2419. When I connect to TomTom and go to Latest Map Guarantee, it tells me this option has "expired."

When try update from main menu, it tells me my map is 4 generations old and I must pay $31.80 to get current plus $39.80 for next four updates. Unhappy, of course.

Any ideas? TomTom's not helping!


You need to call Tomtom's phone number and they'll ask you to fax them a proof of purchase. Then they'll give you map 855.

The email system is very unreliable, you often get canned incorrect responses like the one you got.
Thanks, MVL!

Called customer service as you suggested. Telephone holds of 30+ minutes - finally got operator that seemed interested! (Her name was Tanya.)

She led me through some checking/deleting files then had me e-mail bill of sale. Then (another time on telephone hold) called back & very nice agent (Jacob) confirmed receipt of bill of sale & initiated a map for download. Hooked up to TomTom & immediately advised new map was available for download.

Impressed with the unit with new map. Give TomTom credit for customer service - just need more reps or let system give the LMG without hassle!

Appreciate your good advice. My initial e-mail from TT required 79 or so jumping through hoops procedures that I didn't understand.

Still no MapShare?

UPDATE: Only after I copied a very old QuickGPSfix file from the computer to the device did the TomTom Home realize that there is a new QuickGPSFix update. Following this clear logic, TomTom would not give us map corrections unless some map corrections are already present on the device.

After update to v. 855.2934 of USA_Canada_and_Mexico map on XL340TM, I still am not able to download neither map correction nor gps fix files. Anyone experiencing same problems?

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Rider 2 Map update

I opened an issue with TomTom support and after a week of BS responses finally got a live person on the phone and was told that the Map update file for the Rider2 is corrupted. Was also told that it would be fixed this week and to date still same problem. I have been on hold with Customer support for 45 minutes now waiting to talk to some one.:mad:
when is the next update due?

I know that the last map update was 8/31. Is it fair to say that the next will be 11/31?

The reason I am asking is that I have to update my other new TT with the latest map guarantee, and 30 days from now will be mid November.

Just making sure before downloading. Thanks
It could be any time in the month of November (sometimes it could be a few days into December).

I recommend you wait until day 26 or 27 of your LMG and try then.
thanks. hope i get lucky, though not complaining.
It could be any time in the month of November (sometimes it could be a few days into December).

I recommend you wait until day 26 or 27 of your LMG and try then.
If I log in ever day to update my device tom tom should be able to tell that a new update is available, - right??

Adding a few words to add up to more than 10 characters...
I downloaded North America 2GB v 860.3101 on Sat 11/20. Once again the installation wipes out Favorites, so be sure you back up your mapsettings.cfg file before updating. And again it clears the security pin from the device.
I downloaded North America 2GB v 860.3101 on Sat 11/20. Once again the installation wipes out Favorites, so be sure you back up your mapsettings.cfg file before updating. And again it clears the security pin from the device.
couple of points I'm curious about..
1. by finding and backing up the mapsettings.cfg file , I take it this is where your current favourites are stored,,, - if so, to restore said file do you just "drag it" back over to your North America2GB file, and have it replaced with this back up only??

2. what is the security pin ??
couple of points I'm curious about..
1. by finding and backing up the mapsettings.cfg file , I take it this is where your current favourites are stored,,, - if so, to restore said file do you just "drag it" back over to your North America2GB file, and have it replaced with this back up only??
Yes - it's as simple as overwriting the new mapsettings.cfg that occurs with a map update with the old mapsettings.cfg. If I recall correctly, this is only an issue for units not updated (or "updatable") to Navcore 9 versions of firmware. After that, they quit overwriting your original copy as a function of the update.
2. what is the security pin ??
Many models of TomTom can be locked down with a user entered PIN code.
As an update to my earlier email, I did get the new 866 map update under the LMG, but TT Home would not show it as available, but it did show the map as available if I go under shop for new maps for a price!!!

Needless to say, after many emails to TT CS, they asked for proof of purchase.

I did give it to them but not before giving them grief over the fact that their Home software is faulty and it is an old problem that they have not rectified and that I am surprised that someone has not filed a class action suit.

Anyway, thanks for giving me info re last map update and for the forum in letting me know of the new one's availability.
So you are saying if I give TT proof of purchase of Sep 30th 2010, I may get the latest update..??????

I'm beginning to think that the GPS device is much like a $79 Printer/Scanner .. Cheap out of the box but the INK cartridges are only 20% full and to buy new ink carts cost as much as the printer did at the place of retail........

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