Looking for Beta testers of custom fuel prices POI's generator

There's a Canadian version of it too on this site:

The google feeds looks interesting, I can get a parsable data feed from this but it only returns 10 records and there is no geo cache info without performing addional look ups. My original version of my app did three lookups to come up with the eventual data and I could go back to such a model but with only 10 records being returned that limits the usability. With the Radius fuction of my current code, I can retrieve hundreds of prices from the input of only a single zipcode. The underlying goal of the project is to keep it simple.

From what I can see, using this method would require the user knowing all the zipcodes in a range. I can probably look around and see if i can find a way to determine all zipcodes in a radius from a starting point.

Then there is the problem of deriving an accurate Lat/Long for each POI.
My 1st attempt did address lookups against google API and I found some very odd results like stations where there could not possibly be any.
The point is more that if you want GasBuddy data, they may be willing to negotiate direct access to it. I don't know whether your project is designed to be free or whether you would sell the service, but you may be able to either get GasBuddy to adopt your parser on their site or negotiate access to their data for a reasonable fee.

I would pay more for GasBuddy data access than I do for TomTom's service, but that's just me.
i would love to ginipig it for you if i can get the Tomtom software to work on my no name brand PPC GPS unit with 2gb memory card.

Here you go - 0-95134_San_Jose_CA_10_24.zip

Feedback: Since TomTom usually organizes POI lists in order by distance, not alphabetically, finding the cheapest gas along a route or cheapest in the area is difficult using this method. I found most of the gas stations listed were shown having much more expensive gas than what I'd been able to get a few days before. For example, I paid 3.55 at the local Rotten Robbie from premium gas the day that this data was generated. Cheapest on your list of premium prices was 3.59 at a Chevron that's quite far from here, the rest was 3.89 and up. The data you're downloading seems to be stale.
beta software

Zipcode: 60153
City/State: Maywood, IL
TomTom model: GO910

I would like to try it. I will give you feedback.
Feedback: Since TomTom usually organizes POI lists in order by distance, not alphabetically, finding the cheapest gas along a route or cheapest in the area is difficult using this method. I found most of the gas stations listed were shown having much more expensive gas than what I'd been able to get a few days before. For example, I paid 3.55 at the local Rotten Robbie from premium gas the day that this data was generated. Cheapest on your list of premium prices was 3.59 at a Chevron that's quite far from here, the rest was 3.89 and up. The data you're downloading seems to be stale.

Well you are right in that the app will only ever be as good as the data source. As for my local area, I seem to be getting very accurate results on the prices.

Also with respect to the sorting in tomtom. Keep in mind that the application is also a data viewer. You are right that tomtom limits how you can view the results. In my app you can sort by price or distance and for any grade that is supported.

Here is a screen shot of what I have so far:


You can see in the shot on the right that some of the stations are 2 days old but that is a result of the data feed so there is nothing I can do on my end. However since phone number are included the user can call ahead. Over time I have found out which stations stay the cheapest so if in doubt I go to them by default.
Zipcode: 60153
City/State: Maywood, IL
TomTom model: GO910

I would like to try it. I will give you feedback.

You bet. And thank you...


Your city must be pretty dense. There are over 3000 hits for just regular gas in a 100mile radius.


  • 60153_Maywood_IL_10-29-08.zip
    217.9 KB · Views: 307
Over time I have found out which stations stay the cheapest so if in doubt I go to them by default.

:) All of us on the GasBuddy web sites have noticed that who has the cheapest gas is changing recently. Suddenly the off-brand gas stations are more expensive than a Chevron or Arco. Shell remains extremely high even when their neighbor is selling for 50 cents to a dollar less per gallon.

I've also noticed that when you're talking about premium gas, it's a whole 'nother ball game. Sometimes it's 10 cents between grades, sometimes 12, sometimes a mix inbetween. The result is that the premium gas is sometimes at another station. The lowest regular unleaded gas station is not necessarily going to give you the lowest premium gas.


Speaking of premium, and getting us back on topic for the forum, consider the case that TomTom hasn't: we have one car that requires 87 octane, another that requires 91. The GPS moves back and forth between the vehicles as needed.

A GPS that goes back and forth between different cars is probably more common than you might think -- during the week, I drive the car that takes the cheap stuff because I have a long commute. My wife works part time and has a "soccer mom" SUV with both child safety seats installed, but won't touch the GPS; can't figure it out. On the weekends, I drive the family around in the SUV and I bring my GPS with me, especially on long trips.

TomTom's current fuel price service is either-or on fuel types; you can't load both sets.
I would like to try it out. I have a similar application on my iPhone.

Zipcode: 90241
City/State: Downey, CA
TomTom model: 920

Zipcode: 92704
City/State: Santa Ana, CA
TomTom model: 920
Absolutely interested as well:

Zipcode: 05465
City/State: Jericho, Vermont
TomTom model: Go 920

I like the GasSlasher Name.............I was also thinking Gastastic :D
Last edited:
Absolutely interested as well:

Zipcode: 05465
City/State: Jericho, Vermont
TomTom model: Go 920

I like the GasSlasher Name.............I was also thinking Gastastic :D

Gastastic sounds awesome! Love the Gastastic name :)

The OP should create Beta 2 which would have the ability to REALLY slash gas prices :)
:) All of us on the GasBuddy web sites have noticed that who has the cheapest gas is changing recently. Suddenly the off-brand gas stations are more expensive than a Chevron or Arco. Shell remains extremely high even when their neighbor is selling for 50 cents to a dollar less per gallon.

I've also noticed that when you're talking about premium gas, it's a whole 'nother ball game. Sometimes it's 10 cents between grades, sometimes 12, sometimes a mix inbetween. The result is that the premium gas is sometimes at another station. The lowest regular unleaded gas station is not necessarily going to give you the lowest premium gas.


Speaking of premium, and getting us back on topic for the forum, consider the case that TomTom hasn't: we have one car that requires 87 octane, another that requires 91. The GPS moves back and forth between the vehicles as needed.

A GPS that goes back and forth between different cars is probably more common than you might think -- during the week, I drive the car that takes the cheap stuff because I have a long commute. My wife works part time and has a "soccer mom" SUV with both child safety seats installed, but won't touch the GPS; can't figure it out. On the weekends, I drive the family around in the SUV and I bring my GPS with me, especially on long trips.

TomTom's current fuel price service is either-or on fuel types; you can't load both sets.

TomTom's current fuel price service is either-or on fuel types; you can't load both sets.

Ive never seen the tomtom fuel service in action, are you saying that if you choose to view regular prices that there is no way to change to a different grade view - does this imply you are stuck with one view?

With my current approach every grade is a separate POI fie so you can flip-flop between any of them.
Ive never seen the tomtom fuel service in action, are you saying that if you choose to view regular prices that there is no way to change to a different grade view - does this imply you are stuck with one view?

With my current approach every grade is a separate POI fie so you can flip-flop between any of them.

You're stuck until you next plug your GPS into your computer. Then you can download a different fuel type.
:) All of us on the GasBuddy web sites have noticed that who has the cheapest gas is changing recently. Suddenly the off-brand gas stations are more expensive than a Chevron or Arco. Shell remains extremely high even when their neighbor is selling for 50 cents to a dollar less per gallon.

I've also noticed that when you're talking about premium gas, it's a whole 'nother ball game. Sometimes it's 10 cents between grades, sometimes 12, sometimes a mix inbetween. The result is that the premium gas is sometimes at another station. The lowest regular unleaded gas station is not necessarily going to give you the lowest premium gas.


Speaking of premium, and getting us back on topic for the forum, consider the case that TomTom hasn't: we have one car that requires 87 octane, another that requires 91. The GPS moves back and forth between the vehicles as needed.

A GPS that goes back and forth between different cars is probably more common than you might think -- during the week, I drive the car that takes the cheap stuff because I have a long commute. My wife works part time and has a "soccer mom" SUV with both child safety seats installed, but won't touch the GPS; can't figure it out. On the weekends, I drive the family around in the SUV and I bring my GPS with me, especially on long trips.

TomTom's current fuel price service is either-or on fuel types; you can't load both sets.

I would like to try it out. I have a similar application on my iPhone.

Zipcode: 90241
City/State: Downey, CA
TomTom model: 920

Zipcode: 92704
City/State: Santa Ana, CA
TomTom model: 920

Here you go. For yours I did something new since you requested more than one zipcode. There are 3 zip files here. Two are the individual areas set at 100mile radius and the 3rd is a single file of both. I don't know CA so I have no idea how much overlap but each zipcode pulled over 3000 listings for regular. Since they are combined there may be duplicates since they are separate queries. Let me know if you find that to be true.


I have a similar application on my iPhone.

You know that brings up a point. This is written in vb6 (sorry I'm only a part time programmer at best) Will vb6 apps run on Windows CE, Iphone or other Windows mobile devices? I don't own any to test but I am courious if anyone know anything about that.


  • 0-Combined_SantaAna_Downey_CA_10-30-08.zip
    426.1 KB · Views: 290
  • 90241_Downey_CA_10-30-08.zip
    164.4 KB · Views: 274
  • 92704_SantaAna_CA_10-30-08.zip
    38.6 KB · Views: 270
Absolutely interested as well:

Zipcode: 05465
City/State: Jericho, Vermont
TomTom model: Go 920

I like the GasSlasher Name.............I was also thinking Gastastic :D

Here you go 05465_Jericho_Vermont_10-30-08.zip

This one is intresting, If I lock the zipcode to only 05465 I only pull up 2 stations. One for Regular and one for Diesel.

-72.9995,44.5042 "2.91_CITGO-39 VERMONT ROUTE 15,JERICHO VT 05465>802-899-4730"
-72.9480149777,44.5177779074 "3.68_MOBIL-341 VERMONT ROUTE 15,JERICHO VT 05465>802-899-2507"

I assume this is an error in my data source - but can you confirm that for me? Is Jericho Vermont a tiny place with only 2 gas stations?

.....I was also thinking Gastastic

Sorry, we are locked in to GasSlasher now. Unfortunatly I had way too much time on my hands the other day and created some artwork for the project.


I guess its motivation is because it is close to being Halloween.:eek:
Hope you like them...


  • 05465_Jericho_Vermont_10-30-08.zip
    18.4 KB · Views: 256

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