Loading custom list of POIs on GO 2405?

The thing now is getting Excel to cooperate with the quotes, but that is yet another battle.
Be sure that the name/description column is specifically formatted as "text". The quotes will be added automatically in the *.csv file.
canderson - I tried your suggestion and it didn't help. I poked around the web and it seems excel files don't play nice with quotes when converting to a csv file. I downloaded a converter that is supposed to work this out but haven't tried it yet.

mikealder - thanks for the suggestion, I have played with a few changes this way but unfortunately I have a list of 250 points I'm working with. Excel would be much easier but I'll do it manually if I have to.

Andy_P - I wanted to make sure I said Thanks to you also for all your help! I will tinker around with the 22x22 bmp and see what happens. When I used the program "My POI Manager" to load the pois in the TT340 I noticed it created the 22x22 and the 44x44 bmps, so I wasn't sure. Its too bad TT doesn't let you edit your poi catagory to change the icons for the entire catagory.

My next quest is to see how much text I can add to the poi. Instead of a phone number I want it to display some notes about each one of my locations. In case you were wondering about my list of 250 pois, I work for a major cellular company and I want to load all the locations of the cell sites in my market and just finding the location is good but sometimes we hide sites in the strangest places i.e. dumpster areas, rooftops and even underground with hidden antennas. So it would be even better to add a short note to each location so when I get to one I've never been to before I'll have some clue where exactly to look to find the actual equipment I work on.

And again, THANKS to all of you guys for assisting and sticking with me while I figure this stuff out, really appreciate it!
canderson - I tried your suggestion and it didn't help. I poked around the web and it seems excel files don't play nice with quotes when converting to a csv file.
You don't want to put the quotes around the text IN your Excel file -- you format the entire column containing the text data as "text", include the text in the spreadsheet without any quote marks, and the quotes will appear around the text in the conversion to the *.csv file. If you put quotes around the text IN the Excel file, you'll wind up with about 3 pairs of them around the resulting text in the *.csv - quote .. er .. quite a mess!
I tried that but the csv file still did not have quotes around the text. I saw the issue with the three sets of quotes and I even tried different variations but could not get it to produce the csv file with single quotes. I'm sure there's something I'm missing in Excel, I have Excel 2007 as part of MS Office Pro 2007 that I've been using for less than a year and still get hung up on some of the easy stuff. :confused:
Just so that we're 100% on the steps...

I believe it will be your third and fourth columns (C and D) that contains the names of your waypoints and your notes.

At the top of the spreadsheet, click on the "C" first. From the toolbar at the top, select "Format" and "Cells", and then select "Text" as the type. Do the same after selecting the "D" at the top.

Having done that, any text that I have in the text formatted columns comes out with quotes in my *.csv files. I'm not running Office 2007, however. Perhaps they broke something?

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