Lane Assist issue

If you were already using TomTom Home you must have had a previous TomTom unit, and you'll already be familiar with picking up POI files (a combination of an *.ov2 file and an associated icon as a *.bmp file). The only difference is the user interface when you are using MyTomTom. You upload the *.ov2 and the *.bmp files using MyTomTom one at a time. The file format isn't any different than what you've seen before. In fact, if you had POI files from your previous unit, you can use those.

before I could go to google maps, put in a location hit send to GPS it would send to my xxl 540 throug tomtom home, is there anyway to do something like that from google maps to my via 1535 through MY TomTom on the tomtom website?
Sorry, to bother you, but how do I download to TomTom ov2 format, not sure what that is? Can I download a location from say google maps to that type of format?
Normally, you will go to a site as mentioned (e.g., poifactory or similar) and obtain a file of a POI type that particularly appeals to you. For example, if your grandson is a Dairy Queen fanatic, you can download an entire file of Dairy Queens all over the U.S. You get two files -- one *.ov2 which contains all of the location information, and one *.bmp which is the little Dairy Queen icon that will display on your map.

You will use MyTomTom to upload those two files to your unit, and voila - you have all of the Dairy Queens at your fingertips.

While the POI lists have improved for TomTom's maps, there are still certain things that aren't included that are provided by specialty sites like poifactory and others, mostly all created and contributed by your fellow GPS users.
before I could go to google maps, put in a location hit send to GPS it would send to my xxl 540 throug tomtom home, is there anyway to do something like that from google maps to my via 1535 through MY TomTom on the tomtom website?

The send-from-Google feature isn't available on MyTomtom-based devices. Tomtom hasn't announced whether/when they'll add that feature.
I used to like Send from Google with my old Nuvi 755t, for two major reasons:
- when the Garmin couldn't locate the destination but Google could
- when I wanted to modify the route, and have Google send the customized route to the Garmin

Although I'd still probably find Send from Google convenient with the 2535M Live, being able to Add Favorite and have the TomTom use Google Search to find pretty much anything seems to cover the primary requirement for me. Works perfectly.

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