Issues/problems with install of map 940

I'm amazed! I formatted the drive and got a space increase similar to what Larry H has. I'm don't know how, but it worked.

Thank you Larry, for doing this and sharing your results.

As it turned out, I full formatted the drive before your correction about quick format. I wanted to make sure any errors / bad blocks on it would be marked out.

The original file format was FAT 16, and not having seen your update, I went with FAT 16 rather then 32. If I understand right, (not sure I do) FAT 32 would have wasted less space with the large number of small files present since it uses smaller blocks.

I reloaded the old map to make sure all is working correctly before changing something else. The 540 is now working faster. I don't know if it could be because there is now more memory headroom. File fragmentation was not substantial before the reformat, so I don't think it was that.

In any case, scrolling in the detail maps view is much improved.
I'm amazed! I formatted the drive and got a space increase similar to what Larry H has. I'm don't know how, but it worked.

Thank you Larry, for doing this and sharing your results.

As it turned out, I full formatted the drive before your correction about quick format. I wanted to make sure any errors / bad blocks on it would be marked out.

The original file format was FAT 16, and not having seen your update, I went with FAT 16 rather then 32. If I understand right, (not sure I do) FAT 32 would have wasted less space with the large number of small files present since it uses smaller blocks.

I reloaded the old map to make sure all is working correctly before changing something else. The 540 is now working faster. I don't know if it could be because there is now more memory headroom. File fragmentation was not substantial before the reformat, so I don't think it was that.

In any case, scrolling in the detail maps view is much improved.

Actually the FAT16 wastes more space than FAT32. The default cluster size of FAT16 is 32kb and FAT32 is 4kb on "drives" the size used in the XXL series. 4kb clusters would not waste as much space as the 32kb which might be needed for future maps.

See this Microsoft links for advantages and disadvantages of both
Actually the FAT16 wastes more space than FAT32. The default cluster size of FAT16 is 32kb and FAT32 is 4kb on "drives" the size used in the XXL series. 4kb clusters would not waste as much space as the 32kb which might be needed for future maps.

Yes, FAT 32 is the more space efficient and better choice. It formatted FAT 16 only because when I was concerned at the time about whether the 540 would read FAT 32. Mine originally FAT 16. If I reformat, I will use 32!
Thx Harry6 for checking the actual text. Maybe 'weasel' is too strong a word but you guys know what I mean: it would be a fail of their legal dept/practicality to offer absolute lifetime w/o some escape clauses/restrictions.

I'm hoping for a viable solution that doesn't require me to have a 'no frills' version, so a zoned map is probably the best result for my smaller unit.
You're welcome tranquility. You may be very right that TT's legal department may have wanted to limit the scope of "lifetime" maps.

I think TT will want to maintain customer good will and loyalty irrespective of what the fine print may say.

TT introduced models with 2GB of memory as late as November 2010.

In the meantime, doing a FULL BACKUP (NOT Tomtom home backup), then reformat, and then reload of everything may help your device just work better.
Has anyone had success using Home? The zoning apparently only applies to navigation devices that are updated using MyDrive (according to TomTom website).
That would seem to contradict the info on TomTom's site that says it is for xxl devices with 2 gb. That means devices using Home.

Here are the words of the TomTom rep:

Hi all,
The new map has been released with the following map zones: Eastern US and Canada/ Northern US and Canada/Western US and Canada/Southern US and Mexico/ United States
My apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience!
Thanks dhn! Seems to put to rest the discussion about whether TT will continue to support lifetime maps for older 2gb units. I will safely keep a copy of my present working map just in case . . .
Glad to hear they got that sorted. Still amazed they didn't properly anticipate it, but ..
And will this somehow magically work on my TomTom that seems dead to the world after the original update?
Guess it depends upon what you mean by 'dead', Joe, but yes -- very probably.
The TomTom can never be recognized any longer by any computer AFTER that update that failed. And YES, using the original cable, green light is on, charged for 7 days and will not even make it to the drum beat. Just shuts down. Not even good for a door stop any longer.
I also tried 14 other USB cords I have, still not recognized. Someone at Corporate should be offering free replacements just for ruining a good thing. Sorry I ever tried to upgrade to the new map. All was fine before.
OK - we need to talk about the word 'recognized'. When you connect, do you get ANY indication that the computer knows that something/anything has been connected? We're not talking about whether it sees it as an external drive at this point, just that the PC sees something was hooked up (the usual 'ding' noise) when the 540 is connected.
Never mind -- I see in your other thread posts that "Windows Error Says: The USB devise you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it.". OK - that's actually much better than not seeing it at all!

I do not know if this utility will work correctly on Win8 (haven't had a need to try it on a Win8 box yet), but please install and run it and then connect your 540. We'll want to see what Win8 thinks this device actually is. This utility stands alone - no installation, etc., just an executable. It will show all of the USB devices connected to your PC and their status. If it works, let me know and I'll be asking about a couple of particular items displayed when your 540 is connected.


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Ok it ran fine. All looks okay for all USB ports. Only one that says DISABLED is VIDEO DEVICE. Attached is the TomTom USB info from this program.


  • TomTom.jpg
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