Is it possible to create a blank map?

Aug 30, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
I use my TomTom One for geocaching and the snap-to feature drives me crazy. I wish it was possible to turn that off under prefernces. So, I thought that if I could create a blank map, I could use the navigation feature to get close to the objective then switch to a blank map to get close to the cache. Anybody have thoughts on this?
I use my TomTom One for geocaching and the snap-to feature drives me crazy. I wish it was possible to turn that off under prefernces. So, I thought that if I could create a blank map, I could use the navigation feature to get close to the objective then switch to a blank map to get close to the cache. Anybody have thoughts on this?

You need Off-Road Navigator lol.
I use Off road navigator and it works ok. I can't use the navigate too function, but don't really need it. I just watch the coords as I move around. It has helped me find caches, but if I could just load a blank map, this whole snap to issue would be moot. There's got to be a way :rolleyes:
You could try loading a map like Guam. It will look blank because your not in the mapping area but I don't know if that will work for you.

I don't think you can create a blank map.
Thanks for the response. I think the Guam map thing might work. The only problem is I don't have one. I don't see it available in the map section on tomtom home.
Thats true, the map is really just a .bmp file used as a background.

Create a white(blank) picture file (.bmp) and configure it to have a wide range. Although I don't see the point because its just a white background picture so you can just use Off-Road without it.
OK, I got the Guam map to load, but when I try to use it, it says it can't find coordinates for my loaction or something like that. Seems like it would be easy to create a blank map with the correct coords. Wishful thinking I guess. I may play around with creating one for Offroad Navigator

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