Invalid security certificate in Home

For what it's worth... You shouldn't need to be use MyTomTom at all for an XL IQ Routes Edition, it only uses Home2
I get the same error message

I have followed the steps given and when I try any buttons on any tomtom page, I get the same error messages. The tomtom support person said to use a different computer. I said Wow thanks for nothing.
It worked

I followed the advice from Totoro and am now updating maps. It took me a while to find the correct location. Thanks for the help.
(Threads merged and posts that pointed to the other one deleted)
Re security error uses an invalid security certificate...etc couldn't update or anything...
In my case I found Kaspersky was the problem
Went into Kaspersky settings>additional>network and unchecked 'scan encrypted connections' in network settings....heyho working a treat now.
Yes, humber, Kaspersky can be a problem. If you search the word "Kaspersky" here, you'll find it's been an issue for quite a number of years. Kaspersky attempts to get 'in the middle' of the communication, causing the problem. Your solution is the right one.

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