How to upgrade a ONE to a 2gb card for North America maps

I did the new 2gb card deal I did not have a card to start with, and the best I got was to get the APP loaded but NO maps. I do not get the red X when card in but no maps. How can I get the map on the card?
I have read all the post for this thread. however, I cannot get my TT New Edition to recognize the new 2 gb card. I do the cut and paste from the 1 gb card to the 2 gb card. When I insert it and power up the TT it asks me to select a map and then to go to and get an activation code. When I do this the TT will not accept the new activiation code.
Please help.

Did you, by chance, purchase a refurbished unit (perhaps from

I did. During the refurbishing process, the maps on the original TomTom SD 1G card were updated to version 6.65 (USA_and_Canada). When you look closely at the information posted on the site after you enter your product code, you'll see that it says it is a valid product code for <product name> product version. In my case, it said "USA_and_Canada v6.5". -- in other words, the wallet card included in the box with my TomTom wasn't upgraded when the product it referred to (installed on my TomTom device) was upgraded.

Call TomTom's Customer Service number, and they'll be able to give you a correct activation code for the updated maps on your unit. You'll need to be able to supply them with:

  • Your TomTom's Device Code (2 5-character groups)
  • Your Product Code (3 5-character groups)
...they need both of the above to generate a proper Activation Code

  • Your Name
  • Your Address
  • Your email address
  • Your TomTom Serial Number

...they'll most likely ask you for these, as they'll be registering your product for you, while you're on the call

I suggest this explanation and possible solution, as what you describe is exactly what was happening to me when I tried to install everything onto a 2GB SD card. More than likely, this is the same issue you face.

- BrianD
Yes I did get a refurb unit. Thanks for the advise. I will contact Customer Service this evening. Thanks again.
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I used TT home. This is a new unit that did not have a SD card but I wanted one for more space. But I am dumb founded with getting the maps on it. Where can you get the North America map? Tom Tom sight only has a map for Europe on it.

You should be able to purchase it using HOME.
The only map on home is Europe. Can not find a US map on the site any more.

That is strange, when I go on HOME I clearly see Map of North America.

Try the workaround on the TomTom site by switching the country to UK. Choose the 910 device and you should be able to download North America.
Any hope for TomTom One, Version 3

I assume that this doesn't apply to Version 3, since there is no EXTERNAL memory card access.
Has anyone taken apart the TT1-3 to see if there is a physical memory card inside that could be replaced?
Wow! There are a LOT of SD cards out there. I know it has been said that the card must be Non-HC (high capacity). But what about the high speed cards like 133x and 150x, will they work?
Is there much of a speed advantage going with a 133x or 150x card? I can get the topram 4gb card on ebay for about 30 bucks compared to 70 for the also mentioned transcend card. Thoughts??

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