How important is TomTom Home?

Operating system is windows XP. I currently use Firefox as my browser. My problem, I believe, is that when I go to windows explorer I don't see the things I'm supposed to click on as suggested in this forum. What's next?

Mickey, just to check........

Start-->Settings-->Contol Panel-->Folder Options-->View-->Advanced Settings-->Scroll down to Hidden files and folders and make sure option Show hidden files & folders IS checked. (While you are at it, right below is 'Hide extensions for known files types. UNCHECK that one.

Then 'ok' and 'x' out of Control Panel.
You should get a one time free current map update the first time you start Home with your unit.

I haven't had one long enough (with 5 units to date) to know how often TomTom updates their maps, but I do know that after the first free one, you have to buy updates. I've been relying on the MapShare feature for updates..... but have not updated since I received my "newest" unit.

As suggested in this thread I'm waiting a few days.

Maps come out 4 times a year. The last was mid February so the next will be mid April, or thereabouts.

Mapshare changes are not the same as map updates. For example, you can only report new roads via mapshare, not add them. An updated map may have that road included.......or it may not :eek:

Seems to be a crapshoot as to what improvements in a specific area take place from map update to map update.

Often, more instances of ALG/Reality View get added for each update.
So far so good everyone.... Three days with no issues!

Thanks, to everyone who pitched in to help....keep your fingers crossed!

So far so good everyone.... Three days with no issues!

Thanks, to everyone who pitched in to help....keep your fingers crossed!

Good deal. I can't remember where we are in the grand scheme of things, but you have your current load fully backed up on your PC using Windows, right?
Good deal. I can't remember where we are in the grand scheme of things, but you have your current load fully backed up on your PC using Windows, right?

Yes, I now have 3 different complete backups. That should be good enough while we are waiting to see if anything goes astray. :D
Jus when I thought it was OK with Tom Tom

Good deal. I can't remember where we are in the grand scheme of things, but you have your current load fully backed up on your PC using Windows, right?

Oh my! Well, I have good news, and good news.... Tom Tom has apparently looked at themselves in the mirrror, and seen the error of their ways. :eek: They sent me an email apologizing (finally) for all the problems and want to send me a NEW XL340 as a peace offering.:D

So... my question is should I follow the exact same directions for the 340 as I was given for the 330 from you all here? Is there anything different I should prepare myself for with the 340 vs. the 330?

Nope. Same deal.

Plug in.
Let Home start, but don't let it do any updates yet! (Just peek at what it's offering).
Shut Home down with "X".
FULL Windows backup.
Proper disconnect of USB device via Windows.

Be sure to get your account changed at You know the drill. Make up a new email or call them and get them to transfer accounts to the new unit serial number.

See if the bugger remains stable for a week or so.

THEN allow Home to actually do any updates it thinks appropriate.

See if the bugger remains stable for a week or so.

We'll be here if you need us.
Thanks.... you have no idea how much difference it has made to know you guys are out there to help! :D:D:D
Before I receive my new 340, should I delete everything on my PC that relates to TomTom so that I start off clean?
Should not be necessary........

Just use a different email address with the new unit.
Should not be necessary........

Just use a different email address with the new unit.
Yeah - but he's still probably got downloaded maps from his prior "map guarantee" that were keyed to the old unit serial number. Might be worth cleaning out the HOME/Download/complete/map folder just to be safe, don't you think? No point having Home get confused later. Steve's had enough fun already!

:eek:Received the new 340 this morning. Unable to update it. I did use a different e-mail address, so that my computer would not be confused. Called Customer "Service" and after we tried a couple of things, he said that my computer was causing the problem.

We could not perform a check disk in WIndows, or a Format in Windows.:eek: Although I have it doing a check disc as I write this.....:confused:

So, when I asked the Customer "Service" person what I shoud do about the computer he said he did not know.

"Some" of the Error Messages I have received today:

  • Insufficient room on your device
    Unable to read G:\ drive

I'll keep you posted on the other errors as I finish with Disk Check.

This "insufficient space" crap has been going on for a while. I'm not sure what the folks back in Europe think they're playing at. You'd be amazed at how many people wind up reporting that here.

The standard answer is to dump foreign voices that you don't need and will never use. Since you've already got Home running, I'd go ahead and navigate over to the contents area, see what voices are loaded, and nuke any but those you might ever need. If it was my choice, I'd kill off all of the "analog" voices and all of the digital/computer voices except for "Susan".

That's been known to free up enough room for the update.

As for unable to read "G:" - what device or drive is that in your particular configuration? Part of the TomTom or something on your computer?
Connected TomTom.
Home started automatically.
Getting Updates Automatically
Updates available for your Device:
TomTom Application for TomTom XL IQ Routes Edition Ver. 8.415
Map Share - map updates for USA Canada and Mexico P

Clicked on Update & Install.
1. Downloaded TomTom Application
2. Install to internal memory:

ERROR: HomeBase/IO: Error writing file: G:\tomtom.ico
@ .\portable\cfile.cpp(1947)
in .\portable\cfile.cpp:1947
0. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/commit.js:82
1. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/ttwizard.xml:1058
this._commitFailed(i, commitPage);
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:79
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:77
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:69

Time: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 19:27:37 GMT

The rest of the process(es) were "not started, due to earlier failure"

I don't know what else to say at this point. I'm going to go to a relatives's house and use their PC just to satisfy TomTom, and we'll go from there, I guess. BTW, G is my TomTom drive on my computer.

Items on Device:
TomTom Application 9.5Mb
Maps USA Canada & Mexico P 1610 Mb
Voices (4) Bonnie, Lori, Mandy & Richard (All US) [.7MB each] Deleted all others
Map Overlays: USA (Basic) 3.2 Mb
Car Symbols 10 Total size: .3 Mb
Start up Images (2) .6 Mb total
Shut down images (2) .6 Mb total

Shirt size: oops:cool:
Pant size: sorry:eek:

Let us know how you make out.
Last edited:
"Did you first kill off the unnecessary voice files so that there was a better chance the updated map would fit, or did you just kind of breeze past that part?"

I deleted them hoping there was a better chance of updating the map, which BTW, is downloading as I type. Message says I have 1:45:15 remaining time. Don't know if it will install, but.....:confused:
ERROR: HomeBase/IO: Error writing file: G:\USA_Canada_and_Mexico_P\brand\7314_4.bmp
@ .\portable\cfile.cpp(1947)
in .\portable\cfile.cpp:1947
0. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/commit.js:82
1. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/ttwizard.xml:1058
this._commitFailed(i, commitPage);
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:79
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:77
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:69

Time: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 23:13:34 GMT

So much for waiting 2+ hours for the file to download, and then not have it install. :(:mad:
Were you by chance dl the map file using a wireless connection rather than a directly connected computer? Wireless often have problems with Tomtom servers and large downloads.

That .bmp is a Howard johnson logo which replaces the generic hotel poi icon whenever it comes across one on your map.

If you have an Explorer backup of your unit's contents, you might want the manual install of the map (not using Home).

Method to do so is here:

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