HELP NEEDED: TomTom not recognized by PC (USB Driver problem?)

Did any of you guys get your computers to recognize your tomtoms yet?

I read all four pages and did everything you guys suggested but nothing seems to work.

Is anyone else still having this problem or is it just me and everyone else has already found a solution?
have you tried another computer... if you have, did it work. I am guessing that your pc has conflicting usb's. I had that with another device... it was a scanner and webcam conflicting. had to delete both and start all over again....
I had problems with intermittent USB recognition of my device as well as forced resets of my computer. The solution for me (and, unfortunately, the last one I tried) was to uninstall TomTom Home, reboot, and then reinstall. I had an horrible experience with my 140s initially with many BSODs that caused my PC to reboot itself. I was very close to throwing my TomTom against the wall. On a whim, I uninstalled / reinstalled TomTom Home and I have not had a recognition / BSOD issue since.
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Still a problem with HOME2 recognition

I got my very first TOM TOM ( GO 550 LIVE) for Christmas and I am having problems connecting to my VAIO Laptop using Windows 7 (64 bit).

Connecting the TT, I get asked whether to link to the computer & I say yes, but then nothing. It does not auto open HOME2. (Manually openining HOME 2 shows "No device connected", although it is linked and charging).

If however if I insert a blank SD card, it DOES auto open HOME 2, but it still shows no device connected. On the computer the blank SD card can now be seen as a drive, but not the main TT drive which presumably contains the data & maps etc.

Linking the TT to another VISTA 32bit laptop works perfectly

Looking at this thread (and others) there is obviously something not 100% with the TOMTOM software and its interaction with the Windows Drivers

I am not hopeful - I think I have tried everything already suggested

Just a thought - I had exactly this problem and no help from tomtom customer support.
Then I got angry and banged the unit & dock down on the desk and then it worked!

It seemed the unit was only partially docked in the docking station. They are quite stiff and should be pushed in VERY FIRMLY to make a good conection.

I got my very first TOM TOM ( GO 550 LIVE) for Christmas and I am having problems connecting to my VAIO Laptop using Windows 7 (64 bit).

We've seen lots of members have problems with Windows 7, without any reliable solution. We've also seen lots of members have no problem at all. I haven't been able to figure out any rhyme or reason to it all.

Vista and XP work fine - seems like there's a reliable fix for every known issue. Tomtom's just not there yet with Windows 7 compatibility. They only claim XP/Vista/Mac compatibility in their documentation, and remain silent on WIn7.

See here for all the Windows 7 related posts. Maybe they're something here you haven't tried yet.

I have been having this problem with my TomTom one xl for about the last 3 weeks. I have tried all the solutions on this forum with no luck until today!
I knew the USB port was ok and the USB cable to the TT as both the port and cable worked fine with other devices.

I decided to try a 'mix and match' approach. This is what I did:
1. Connect the TT to the USB cable and connect cable to computer USB port.
2. Turn on TT
3. Do whatever asked on the device (i.e. if it asks do you want to connect to the computer say yes. When the TT device has got as far as it can (wherever that is)), with it still connected to computer and turned on, reset the device holding the button depressed for at least 5 seconds.
4. Release reset button.
5. Still with TT connected to USB cable and computer USB port hold down the on/off button.... do not release. If you are lucky you get a black screen with white writing telling you the details of the TT, operating system etc (like an MSDos screen).
6. Keep on/off button depressed, I held it long enough for me to read all the white writing .... slowly!!!
7. Release on/off button.

What then happened was my computer decided it had found new hardware and installed driver. I could then start TT Home and do what I wanted. Once disconnected, my computer again would not recognise the TT. But following the above steps has worked each time.

Not sure of this will help anyone but thought I would post my experiences.

Thanks for your feedback. I'm sure others in the same boat will welcome your information.
i think i have a SOLUTION! . the first xxl 540 i got didnt want to connect or be recognized by windows 7 . so i had them ship me another one . well it did the same thing . i saw a tip somewhere to browse to C:/windows/system32 folder . all you have to do is browse to that folder every time to update the unknown devices or /!\ devices related to the tomtom and VOILA! it works now . for me anyways . go to START type DEVICE MANAGER and update manually browsing to the location . hope this helps people :D
Found a solution for "not recognize USB"

1. Remove SD-card
2. Push the Reset-button (restarts)
3. Inset SD-card
4. Connect your TomTom to the computer...

Thats it. It worked for me. :D
I had the same problem.

I solved it by checking the drive letter assignments. I had a network drive connected as G:\ which is what the TomTom wanted to use. I'd guess reassigning the TomTom to another letter might not be the best idea(?), so I just remapped the network drive to another letter.

It should show up in \programs\admin tools\computer management under storage\disk management


very disappointed

I had high hopes when I recently bought a brand new GO940 for a quite good price.

However I turned out to be a big disappointment when I opened the box.

I can't make the Tomtom to connect to my PC ( Vista ) neither to my Laptop ( Windows 7).

I have read everything, tried every possible fix and also wasted my day-off trying to solve this.
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Have you tried resetting the unit by holding the power button for about 20 seconds and then try to connect to the computer.
I guess it could be a faulty Home docking cradle, if you have a spare USB to mini-USB lead try using that plugged in to the rear of the car dock with the device clipped in position as my 940 is quite happy to connect to the PC via its desktop cradle of a spare car cradle via a Mini USB lead, at least trying this will establish if the fault is with the Home dock - Mike
I tried to connect to the pc with the cable that came with my oh's go550... no luck.

But I will give it a go with the set up you suggested
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Will call TomTom CS tomorrow.

Problem is I got this Go 940 refurbished from Tescos and not sure if there is any TT warranty
Will call TomTom CS tomorrow.

Problem is I got this Go 940 refurbished from Tescos and not sure if there is any TT warranty

Tesco direct is an authorized retailer. See here. So you should have at least a 6 month warranty on the refurb.

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