Help! need traffic lights speed cams etc

Apr 10, 2010
Hi Guys,

I have just recently bought me a Tom Tom Go 930 and i downloaded a map but all i got was the roads no cameras no traffic lights etc. Can anyone please help is their other files i need to get or do i just need to put them in the correct folders. What are the file extensions etc, please help.

Hi Everyone, I have recently got a Go750 in NZ after using a TT in London where traffic lights were shown on the screen. However in NZ I cannot see any on route traffic lights. I regularly update the device on Home without any problems. Is there any part of the menu or controls I should activate to see the lights? :confused:
Thanks dhn for the welcome. I refer to the ordinary traffic lights or signals that control traffic flow at major intersections. I do not have them showing on the map. The maps surely would show the existence of traffic lights at intersections. Can they be turned off land on like POI. I am new to these devices and still learning the terminology etc.

I don't remember seeing any (normal) traffic light icons on any maps for intersections. Just the red light camera icons, which is something completely different.
Woodside -

I've had occasion to use units by several different manufacturers, and I've never seen traffic lights shown on maps, either. As DHN says, the only time I've ever even seen a traffic light icon was when it is used on TT units to indicate red light cameras. There is a separate POI category for those, and it shows a standard little red/yellow/green icon at the intersection where these are known.
Safety Cameras-Canada, USA

After reading this thread, and not realizing they were available for free, I downloaded the " safety cameras".
My question is:
On the TT920 how are they displayed? Do they just show up before you go thru' one? I couldnt find any to check off on my POI selection.
They're not "enabled" in the regular POI area.

You'll need to go to TomTom Services menu on your TT, to the Safety Cam area there, and from THERE you can do the configuration of display, sounds, etc.

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