Hackers target GPS'

Bah! What a crock! This has nothing to do with the integrity of positioning data. The author suggests that someone would hack the TMC broadcast (FM or XM) and insert their own traffic data. Good luck!

I think it's time to take off the tin foil hat...
Bah! What a crock! This has nothing to do with the integrity of positioning data. The author suggests that someone would hack the TMC broadcast (FM or XM) and insert their own traffic data. Good luck!

I think it's time to take off the tin foil hat...

It seems to me that it might also be possible to send out false GPS Satellite locations as well....A device could be sent to emulate the signal sent from each satellite, and if properly placed could cause mass confusion to any GPS device located within the trianulated area.....

I don't know how easy this would be to do, but I am sure that if you tomtom was going to "lead you into a sandpile" common sense would take over with the " WTF, TOMOM??" attitude that I occassionally get with his directions from time to time... (this is ESPECIALLY true in the University Park area of San Diego)
It seems to me that it might also be possible to send out false GPS Satellite locations as well....A device could be sent to emulate the signal sent from each satellite, and if properly placed could cause mass confusion to any GPS device located within the trianulated area.....

If someone wasted their time to hack the GPS system to send me to some corner of the world when I was trying to go to a specific point... I'd use common sense and follow the good ole fashion Green direction signs on the side of the highways....

Anyone trying to hack the GPS system to simply confuse and cause chaos... IMHO is wasting their time and abilities.
If you're a victim of following ANY navigation device into a brick wall or off a cliff, you need to have your license status reviewed.
Bah! What a crock! This has nothing to do with the integrity of positioning data.
I have to agree with The Phantom on this. The author talks about TMC codes which are not used for navigation instructions, only traffic alerts. So, the worst that could happen is that hackers create a fake traffic jam and hope that you detour round it! Scary stuff!

Though, AFAIK, TMC data is encrypted so this would not be as easy as the author suggests. Even if you could break the encryption you would need to know the TMC location code table being used.

It seems to me that it might also be possible to send out false GPS Satellite locations as well....
It is possible and it has been done before, most notably in the Gulf Wars.

A device could be sent to emulate the signal sent from each satellite, and if properly placed could cause mass confusion to any GPS device located within the trianulated area....
In fact, all that is required is that you send a false signal at high enough power levels that real signals are drowned out. That way, no receiver can get a fix.

This is pretty easy since all GPS satts transmit on the same frequency and the signal strength received here on Earth is very low indeed. Only a small local transmitter would be required to 'jam' the GPS signals over a wide area. This is the tactic used during the Gulf War. The only problem (for the jammers) was that such a transmitter becomes a perfect 'noisy' target for guided missiles. To be effective for any amount of time it has to keep moving (quickly!).

There are also reported cases of malfunctioning TV transmitters becoming effective GPS jammers.

However, creating false (and valid) GPS signals is effectively impossible, so I wouldn't worry about that happening.
Interesting... I am not an expert on radio signals by any means....I am sure that this information is true...

Battom, I do agree that it is probably very unlikely that someone would even bother to do this, unless they had something to gain by it. (what that would be, who knows?)

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