Grid references and TT XL2

Nov 20, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
XL IQRoutes 2

I have a friend who has a TT XL1 which accepts inputting longitude and latitude. Is there a program that I can download to enable my TT XL2 to do the same?

I go rambling a lot and the use of postcodes isn't convenient when I have to find a car park.

If you mean the XL IQRoutes 2, no. While it is possible to add some of the menu functionality back to the dreaded "Easy Menu" models, navigation to coordinates is not one of those features.
A good thing to read and will add features back, but the specific feature that the OP wants isn't going to be restored by that method, unfortunately.

Using a web based program to establish the location (per OP's other link) is about the only option available.

Stupid EasyMenu.
Following on from my previous post, I notice that the grid references that provides are slightly changed when I enter them into TT Home's Route Planner.

Perhaps time to look at a Garman? Either that or some tech-savvy person must be able to write some code that could be downloaded to TT.
Either that or some tech-savvy person must be able to write some code that could be downloaded to TT.

May sound easy to you... but it ain't. Otherwise there would be far more third-party apps for TomToms.

It used to be much more achievable because TomTom produced a software developers kit, but they stopped doing that years ago, so now developers can only try to produce stuff by trial and error... a frustrating and long-winded business for a very small end market.

Of course if you were prepare to PAY someone to do it, that might be different, but you'd end up spending far more then it would cost you to have bought a full-featured TomTom in the first place!

TomTom produce a range of models at different prices, but unfortunately buyers expect the cheapest one to do everything the most expensive one does.
The basic problem is that TT don't produce a simple chart explaining the differences between models and what feature are left off the low-end ones.

(Of course TomTom Forums do.... :))
Not necessarily time to look at Garmin, just look the other way if you see a TomTom with the "EasyMenu" (2 button) setup. There are many other models in their line that have this feature. The trick is to find the unit that meets your particular needs and feature expectations before dropping the $ on one again.

This feature table
will help to steer you clear of EasyMenu models in the future.
Cheers but I'd rather not shell out again. I unwisely assumed that v2 would be an improvement on v1.
It's a business where bigger numbers don't necessarily mean better features, that's for sure.
Silly question, but if I get my friend to save his XL IQ Routes v1 software files to a zip drive, can I upload them to my v2 after doing a backup, or will it render my TT useless?
I'm pleased to report that following a critical update the other day, my XL2 now enables me to use longitude and latitude to plan a route :D
Yes, it appears that latitude/longitude entry is now enabled for all of the EasyMenu devices that have been updated with 9.400 code. Looks like they were listening back there.

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