GPX file shows as a straight line between points

OK. Here's the bad news. Not all software and not all devices understand those three 'flavors' of *.gpx files that I mentioned above. Worse, some add 'extensions' to that data that only their software can understand.

My own personal favorite *.gpx 'flavor' is called "Waypoint" which is made up of a series of <wpt> entries. Sadly, TomTom doesn't deal in wpt style *.gpx files. Functionally, they're very similar to the old TomTom *.itn files.

Your file starts out with a series of <wpt> entries that TomTom can't parse.

Then it creates a route <rte> but uses a non-standard format for each route point entry. Normally this would be <rtept>, but in your case, it's using <rtept> for a few basic location entries, and a lot of "gpsx" entries (extensions to the documented *.gpx format) to describe features along the way that a lot of other software couldn't handle, either.

With all of the tools at my immediate disposal, all I can pick up are a few waypoints that TomTom couldn't handle anyway.


I'm guessing what you see below is about all you got from TomTom, too - if even that ... Park Pl in DuBois to East Union in Punxutawney? (Say hello to Phil while you're there!)

I am trying to download gpx files for my TomTom Rider 550 using the TomTom plan. However when I look at the route it does not follow roads, but is straight lines between the points. If I donwload the same file onto a 3rd party map it shows correctly as a route along roads.

I had same problem but if you look at the end of your list you'll see the same route beginning with "track" and that one works for some reason.

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