Go Discover loses position

Jan 24, 2008
Ammanford, Wales
TomTom Model(s)
Go Discover 7"
I have driven to Switzerland from Wales and my Go Discover was faultless.

Driving in Zurich [a most car unfriendly city] the device took on a use of its own and frequently placed me on streets that were adjacent to where I actually was and kept advising to 'turn around when possible' ... having managed to exit the city on to the highway roads, [heading toward Baden, CH] it once again started displaying me driving through fields adjacent to the road. Managed to get back to our rental and decided to reset the unit.

It was a shame to lose all the addresses I'd stored, but at least the unit would be cleared and I'd start again. Or so I thought! The past few days the same crap has been happening again ... I do use a heated windscreen and have done for the whole time I've owned the unit. But even standing outside the car, clearing the route and putting in another and starting navigation, within minutes it has me placed a way away from my actual position.

Any ideas guys?
Would have asked about the windscreen, but you already answered that.
Would have recommended getting it out into clear sky, but you've already done that as well.

I still resent the fact that TomTom eliminated the old GPS constellation screen that would give us an idea of the number and quality of satellite signals being received for troubleshooting problems like this.

There are only a handful of reasons for a device to start reporting a location significantly offset from its real position once you're out in clear, open skies. Bad reception, bad ephemeris file (GPSQuickFix as they used to call it), something interfering with the signal, or bad hardware.

First, I ask about "standing outside the car": Where is this actually taking place? Can you describe the environment / surrounding area? Urban canyons are notorious for fouling position due to reflected signals (aka 'multipath').

When you did your "outside the car" test, was this done more than once, and if so, in the same location?

I'll be VERY curious to know if this problem persists once you've left the Zurich area and are headed back west again.
Thanks for the replies.

@canderson tried this circa 10km from Zurich in open countryside. Repeated once more when at Endingen circa 30km from Zurich in a reasonably open area with no mountains. Currently in Weilheim, fairy high up a hill and the unit struggles to find a satellite from sleep mode. It does find one but it may take a minute. Once found it's fine inside the windscreen once more.

@Willy875 yes the icon says blue, the chosen route stays blue and there's a blue dotted line shown between my position [where the unit thinks I am] and the actual road.
This is just an idea, try placing your GPS on the side window to see if the GPS picks up the satellites better.

For information
To automatically receive QuickGPSfix updates as they become available, smartphone-connected devices must be connected to a compatible smartphone.
Have tried everywhere in the car and the centre dash against the screen is by far the best position. It’s also connected via my iPhone 12.
An update. Just travelled from Germany through Switzerland to France ... absolute nightmare.
The unit was advising 'in 3-hundred metres turn right' and having done so 'turn around when possible'. This would be followed by 'turn left then take the third right' when I am on a dual carriageway!

Having escaped the evilness of Basel, and gone through customs twice, we headed out to Saint-Hippolyte where the unit decided a journey over the mountain was called for to get to the tunnel at Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines, Grand Est ... that was fun. Every turn left was really a turn right and the unit was in disarray ... okay we are up a mountain, but having gotton to the correct road, thereafter, the car was ploughing up fields adjacent to the actual road we were on and giving instructions that tried to place us on the actual road despite us aleady being on it! I think the last correct instruction was continue on N59 for 44km so despite the crazy instructions we ignored them and after circa 3-4km the unit had us on the right road again. Repeat again and again. Even the back roads to Bazincourt-sur-Saulx were pretty off-course.

Almost put the car satnav on and that is absolute rubbish but we'll be trying it tomorrow.
How long have you had this Go Discover?

Has he always behaved this way?

If your GO is less than 2 years old maybe it would be time to run the warranty.?
Installed France and went for a short trip to the supermarket in Bar Du Lac ... appeared okay but the acid test will be when we travel 400km to eurotunnel tomorrow.

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