GO 720 + 920 Vs. 730 + 930 (20s Vs. 30s)

Oct 9, 2008
So what is the difference between the 20 and 30? :confused:

I have been thinking of getting the 720 but I want to know, does it still have the feature that lets you talk to your TomTom and tell it where to take you? I know the 730 and 930 have this, but I'm not sure if this feature was removed for the 20s.

Also how well do these 4 versions place you on the map to where you really are. I hear people saying that cheaper TomToms leave you around 2 blocks away from where you want to be. Are these models better at placing you closer to where you really are?

Any help is appreciated.
x30 models come with v8 maps and firmware Navcore 8x, the combination of which allows for IQ routing, Advance Lane Guidance and Reality View (the latter two not available in all areas --- especially roads in Canada, it seems). The x20 models did not have these capabilities.

However......x20 model users can upgrade both firmware and maps to the 8 level which allows for the same functionality.

Placement in a precise spot vs. a block away is a function of the quality of the map being used, not the model of the unit.
Thanks that helps, although do you know if you are able to say locations you want to go or do you have to manually enter in the location? Is this feature on the 30 models only or the 20 models too?
Voice Recognition (VR) was not originally available for 720 users but a 'hack' allows for it. So, yes, I'd say both x20 and x30 models are capable of it.

For some, the novelty of VR wears off after a while and the users go back to the keyboard. For some.
Necessary it was, I just made my decision and bought the 720 for $200. Hope I got a good deal. I'm hoping your help led me to the right choice.
I have got a 920, and upgraded the application ot 8.01 and the maps to 810 and VR worked without any "hack". I would guess you will be able to also.
Voice Recognition (VR) was not originally available for 720 users but a 'hack' allows for it. So, yes, I'd say both x20 and x30 models are capable of it.

For some, the novelty of VR wears off after a while and the users go back to the keyboard. For some.
My refurb'd 720 arrived this week & even though it shipped with NavCore7.10, it had Voice Recog activated--out of the box. I didn't have to add the "1" file, as planned

The Home app pushed Nav 7.45 (or so...) in an update, then pushed Nav 8.010. All this was through routine docking & undocking updates.

Having 8.010 installed, allowed me to download the North America v810 map, after faxing my purchase info to customer service.

So from my standpoint, there's NO real difference between this ($179) GO 720 & a ($399-$499) GO 730. :D

My refurb'd 720 arrived this week & even though it shipped with NavCore7.10, it had Voice Recog activated--out of the box. I didn't have to add the "1" file, as planned

The Home app pushed Nav 7.45 (or so...) in an update, then pushed Nav 8.010. All this was through routine docking & undocking updates.

Having 8.010 installed, allowed me to download the North America v810 map, after faxing my purchase info to customer service.

So from my standpoint, there's NO real difference between this ($179) GO 720 & a ($399-$499) GO 730. :D


I fully agree with your reasoning. Some may argue the case of the x30 is piano black, has a nicer attachment and a louder speaker but I would not pay the large price difference for them. For the price difference, I'd invest it in the yearly latest map plan and, optionally, in a more sturdy attachment.
Yeah I bought a refurbed 720 and I should be getting it within a few days. I am very excited lol. This will be my first GPS.
And now you know that the first thing you do when you get it is to let it charge in the dock 2-4 hours (probably 4) and then a full backup of the unit's contents using Explorer, not Home. Make sure you have hidden files/folders showing as well as extensions for known file types. You do this before starting up Home (or, if it started up automatically when you installed the software, shut it down).

Then start Home. Depending upon how old the 720 was when manufactured, the version of Home installed may be 1.6 (I think) and it should say there is an updated version available. Accept it and let it dl and install. Once the new version is installed, then go to Update and see what is offered (should be gpsquickfix file, and hopefully a newer map, and a newer firmware for the unit.

Firmware updates for the unit are sequential in that you must go from 7.221 to 7.481 before you will see 8.010 offered.

Also, you will not get offered a v8 map until: you have Navcore 8 firmware installed AND you have at least 7.20 map installed.

Don't forget that you have a 30-day latest map guarantee. I don't know what will come installed on your unit initially but the latest IS 8.10.

Again, it's sequential.......you gotta go from, say, 7.10 to 7.20 before 8.10 is offered.

Once everything is good to go...........back up again using Explorer to a different folder on the computer.

And, anytime you have questions ..........well, you know where to come.:)
My refurb'd 720 arrived this week & even though it shipped with NavCore7.10, it had Voice Recog activated--out of the box. I didn't have to add the "1" file, as planned

The Home app pushed Nav 7.45 (or so...) in an update, then pushed Nav 8.010. All this was through routine docking & undocking updates.

Having 8.010 installed, allowed me to download the North America v810 map, after faxing my purchase info to customer service.

So from my standpoint, there's NO real difference between this ($179) GO 720 & a ($399-$499) GO 730. :D


Now lets see how soon tomtom will end full support for the 720 so they can force them to buy the 730.

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