
Jun 28, 2009
i have a tomtom ONE second edition. i downloaded a new map yesterday and now the device is freezing up on the tomtom logo. i have ALREADY tried the following:

1) remove the application and reinstall
2) reset the device
3) talk to customer service, they had me clear the flash and check the disk

NONE of these helps me. I once got to the point where I was able to start the device and it went to "no maps found". I tried reinstalling everything from scratch and its back to frozen again.

I desperately need help.
UPDATE: i removed the backup folder (in addition to renaming the "download" folder to "downloadOLD". the device now starts, but goes to "No maps Found".
I guess it's too much to hope you made a backup (hopefully with Explorer, not Home) prior to the map upgrade?

If so, just try restoring the backup.

If not, well you should have the downloaded map on your computer. You can check using Home's, Add maps/voices--> and move to items on my computer and you should see an item called maps. Click more info to ensure it is the new version.

If so, when you turn on the unit, can you see the contents using Explorer? If so, make an explorer backup. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing.

Now delete everything from the unit. Connect using Home. you should be offered an application to dl and install. Do so.

Now, back to Home....Add maps/voices, etc and move to maps, and reinstall the downloaded map.

Once done, make a complete Explorer backup and disconnect PROPERLY from the computer. Home's Device-->Disconnect.
Okay, further stuff.........

Do you see a map in the following location on your computer?

C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\map\?

It should be in a .cab format.

Well, if so, again delete everything from your computer, reinstall the application when offered, and reinstall the map using Home.
Please note that i have tried removing everything and reinstalling from scratch once before. i do have the US/Canada folder backed up in explorer. i can try what you are suggesting again, but i am not hopeful. i'd like to understand the rootcause of this issue with a solid technical explanation, instead of just trying (what appears to me) to be random things.
Yes, I have the .cab file -- but not in the "dowload" folder, but a previously renamed "download2" folder. should i rename download2 to download, remove everything from the device and re-install?
Before you do so, in the map folder, you should see USA&Canada folder. If so, open it and you should see a USA&Canada.toc file. If you click on it, there's a jumble of stuff but the third line should show the version number of the map, such as 830. Do you see that?

Report back.
I am trying to install the australia map and currently i dont care about the US/Canada map. Unless you think there is a problem with my australia download and want me to revent back to US/Canada. Here the details.

In my current Download folder, I have the australia map with the following info:

<TomTomToc version="1.0">
<Id idurl="">Australia</Id>

I currently have the "no maps found!" situation. The contents of my tomtom (via HOME) are:

applications: 1
size: 8.353 MB
version: 6.560

maps: 1
australia, same info as the XML above

voicses: 1

What do you mean you don't care about the US map? Using Explorer, do you see a US map folder on your unit and does it have a bunch of files in it?

And, I have to ask.........did you get the Australia map by purchasing it from TomTom?

If so, you probably will not have room for both on your unit at once.

(use Home first to show items on my computer. Does it show an Aussie map? If so, proceed)

1. Using Explorer, copy the US map folder from your unit to a folder on the computer.
2. In this folder: C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\program, you should see some cab files. Delete them.
3. Using Explorer, delete all the loose files on your unit. NO folders or their contents.
4. Connect to Home. It'll offer an application. Download and install.
5. Use Home to move to the Aussie map on your computer and choose to install.
6. After installation, make a complete Explorer backup.
7. Disconnect the unit PROPERLY from the computer.

Remember, all the above is predicated upon:
a) the Aussie map is legit
2) Home lists it in maps when at items on my computer.
Yes, the aussie map is legit. As I mentioned in the previous reply, it shows up via HOME. I had to remove my US/Canada map to make room for it which you responded to yesterday. I am leaving for Oz in a few hours, i have already paid for the map and i am now VERY stuck.

I backed up my US/Canada maps folder using explorer in a separate area.

i'll try to decipher your steps now and execute - will keep you posted.
It's a long flight on the plane. I know, I've taken it. Use it for sleeping.;)

Follow the steps I laid out carefully.
okay - thats seemed to do the trick and the device now starts up, with the australia map in place. I hope and pray this works for me in australia, and i am already dreading how i am going to put the US/Canada map back when i return. thanks VERY MUCH for your help!

note to higher ups: this process was EXTREMELY FLAKY and needs some solid/robust software design improvement from TomTom.
Make the Explorer backup now........

Make sure you take the car charger when you go to Australia. When you get back, just reverse the process.. copy the Aussie map to the computer, delete the map folder from the unit, copy your US map back to the unit.
I am back from my trip :) I transfered the oz map folder on my computer and put the US/Canada map back as per your instructions. However, I dont see the map being recognized with Home. Please advise!
The unit freezes when i disconnect it (TomTom screen). I did a pin reset, and reconnected it. I still dont see the map on HOME.
attached is a screen shot of my US/canada files. Does this look okay?


  • files.JPG
    34.6 KB · Views: 237
The map folder looks ok.

If you have a Explorer backup, do you also have a Home backup which they want you to restore?
You are right - i thought i ha d a HOME backup, but it does not work. So I am still stuck now. I have all the US files in the folder. Do I need a "tlv" file in the maps directory? Any other files I am missing?

I will get back to this issue in a few days. Thanks for your continued help.

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