Free map install hung up

Use windows to format the card, with quickformat disabled. Make sure it is fat32 format.

Then run update my GO repeatedly and install everything except the map.

Then use windows explorer, delete the file internal.dat on the Tomtom drive, and move everything from the internal memory to the card. The internal should be empty.

Then use the blue button to disconnect the Tomtom, close HOME, then reconnect the Tomtom.

Don't worry about starting over, once the free map is downloaded, it is linked for a year to your email address, so you'll have no problems redownloading to a fresh card or even from a brand new computer as long as you know your email/password.
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......Then use the blue button to disconnect the Tomtom, close HOME, then reconnect the Tomtom.
Apologies for not replying.....have been away for a few days.

Have formatted the card as described but can you clarify what you mean by 'disconnect TomTom by the blue button'? The procedure I normally use to disconnect a device through XP is right clicking an icon on the bottom bar 'Safely Removing Hardware'.

Am I confusing with something else?
Not dhn, but the 'blue button' is in the lower right hand corner of HOME. You click on that to safely disconnect your device. (see image below)

The procedure I normally use to disconnect a device through XP is right clicking an icon on the bottom bar 'Safely Removing Hardware'.

the 'blue button' is in the lower right hand corner of HOME.

Either one will do... The point being made was to NOT just pull the plug (but you knew that :))
Success.......finally!! :thumb:

But what a load of mither compared to the old 700 with internal drive. And considering that the 750 (plus most others now) take the micro sd card, I think it's real penny pinching of TomTom not to fit these already in.

Anyway......thanks again to all you guys that helped. :thumb:

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