For what it's worth

Dec 31, 2007
southern Illinois
TomTom Model(s)
Hello, Tomtom newbie since December. I wanted to post my impressions of the 720. I found this site before I actually got it, so I knew exactly where to go when I found that the instructions that came with it were not very helpful. Besides the instructions, I have been very happy with mine. With this forums help, I have installed an SD card, filled it with my music and activated the voice recognition. Very Cool!
Accessories for it include a genuine case from J.C. Whitney that was on sale earlier this month, and a new mounting system for Ram Mounts. If any of you are looking at this brand of mount, it is awesome. I was concerned about the cradle not holding the unit tight enough for my motorcycle this summer. Not the case at all. This company lets you mix and match to create exactly the type of mount you want, and will have it on you doorstep in under a week. Great product from a great company.
Lastly, we took our Tomtom to St. Louis yesterday. It done very well getting us around. Most of the destinations I loaded before we left in an itinerary but when it came to supper time, we did not know where to go to eat. We asked for it to find us a Taco Bell close to our route and it responded perfectly. I wish I could say the same for the Taco Bell!
Anyway, from the corn fields of southern Illinois, good job tomtomforums, Ram Mount, and TomTom (need a little work in the documentation area).
Welcome Mark! My mother's side of the family comes from Marion, Illinois so I know your stomping grounds very well! :) I was born and raised in St. Louis but hardly ever get back that way since my family has all passed on, but I still have lots of fond memories.

Just the thought of a GPS in your "cornfields" seems a little incongrous to me... about 5 years ago I was in Marion settling my Grandmother's estate and was driving a car with Missouri plates which I rented in St. Louis. At a gas station an old guy looked the car up and down, noticed the out of state plates, and said (as though I had come from some faraway land) "Missouri huh?... I went there once." :D

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