File System

i want to know if i have to format my tomtom and start afresh with the version i have backed up using explorer because as i say it wont load passed the start up screen and when i look at its properties it is showing up as FAT only and not FAT32
Well, you can try using fat if that is the only choice available to you and then restore the Explorer backup.
The link in post 14 above shows how to backup and restore using Explorer.

When the unit is connected to the computer and you click on the desktop's My Computer icon, it should show the device (with a drive letter assigned) as a removable device. Click on the icon represented by the unit and a menu should show with one option being 'format'
But before you go through an entire format and restore of a backup, try deleting the file I mentioned in post no.19.
That often solves re-booting issues on startup.
ive done all that and still have a dead tomtom. it starts up with a yellow progress bar along the bottom and then stops at the start up screen. if i had any hair i would be pulling it out by now
OK, am I correct in thinking that so far you've only tried re-installing from the back up you made?

Or have you also tried installing a "fresh" copy of the operating system files? (as described here)
i tried re-installing from the back up i made but it had missing files and some said they were corupt so i copied a similar device to mine the difference being mine had western europe maps in it and the one i copied hag england and ireland maps in it. i re-installed everything from the other device apart from the maps ( i used my own maps) nand it seeemed to work as i now haf a funtioning tomtom again
Excellent news.
Now, before you do anything else, make a new backup (using Windows Explorer, not TT Home)

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